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Anonelbe here, requesting/wondering if anyone would be willing to tackle a pairing for the Golden Sun series.

Pretty much, an Issac/Mia/Jenna threesome, with Mia suggesting the idea to Jenna as a gift or reward for Issac, Jenna agreeing eventually.

As for personalities go, I could see Mia as being fairly promiscuous, with both Issac and Jenna, with Issac a bit less reserved, and Jenna being quite reserved.

Warning tags should include: M/F/F, mild to epic amounts of F/F, author's choice, oral, anal, and whatever else you deem fit.

Good luck, and I hope someone bites!



Edited by Anonelbe
  • 3 months later...
Guest The Pairing Guy
Anonelbe here, requesting/wondering if anyone would be willing to tackle a pairing for the Golden Sun series.

Pretty much, an Issac/Mia/Jenna threesome, with Mia suggesting the idea to Jenna as a gift or reward for Issac, Jenna agreeing eventually.

Wait, wait... I'm confused. A "reward" for what?

  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I call dibs on this challenge. I should have it done in two weeks.

Wasn't thinking I'd do this one at first, as I don't do threesomes... I've read a few on AFF.net and they never make it the least bit convincing that any of the characters would do such a thing. The worst are the ones that have it happen spontaneously... "Hey, we're all in a room together, why not have sex?" B)

But your idea of it being a "reward" kind of bumped around in my head and eventually gave me an idea for how it could (plausibly) happen. It's a bit derivative of the "Seinfeld" threesome episode(except for the tiny detail that they actually go through with it :lol: ), and it involves a bit of shifting of the character personalities, but I think it's a good working idea.

You'll review after I put it up, right?

Guest The Pairing Guy

Whoops! Okay, that was me who just posted that... forgot to enter my name. B)


Of course I will! I'll be more than happy to review it once it's done. I'm ecstatic to see this completed. As for personalities, I'm more than fine with a bit of shifting.

Guest The Pairing Guy

Well, it turned out to be a multi-chapter fic. Chapter 1 is basically the set-up for the event, though there is a short yet explicit recount of one of Mia's earlier sexual exploits, plus a bunch of other passing sexual references. Chapter 2 is the part satisfying the challenge, and chapter 3 is the resolution.

I've got chapter 1 up now. Chapter 2 is actually finished too, but I want to put chapters 2 and 3 up in one batch, since chapter 3 will be relatively short. Just 'cause I hate it when I see someone's updated a favorite fic only to find that it's just a pithy little chapter to wrap things up, and I suspect other folks might hate that too.

Guest The Pairing Guy

Oh yeah, I never knew that AFF.net required documents to be unicode text. Is there any easy way to still have italics in your stories? It looks really weird when my story flips back and forth between straight narrative and 1st person thoughts without any italics to show the difference.

Guest The Pairing Guy

Thanks! I found the FAQ in question and have put the info to use. Italics rule! :)

  • 1 month later...
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