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Power uke or power sub Naruto

Guest Quinn

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As the name suggest I am asking for a fic with Naruto beeing a powerfull Uke/sub.

Call it "Alpha bitch", or power bottom, power uke ....

Fact is the same.

I ask for a fic with

a) Naruto being uke/sub/bottom

b) Naruto beeing powerfull/having power

c) no bashing of KOnoha (as the idea and the village as a whole)

d) NO bashing of Hiruzen (3 Hokage) OR JIRAYA or TSUNADE


f) NO EMO Naruto (some make Naruto loose all "naruto" factors because they want him "badass. But that person no longer can be called Naruto. So PLEASE accept the following. Naruto has BLOND /GOLDEN (most uke fics have called it golden) hair, tan skin , blue eyes (when not in Sage or Bijuu mode) he loves ramen and HE WEARS ORANGE. SO please NO color change (pale skin, dark hair, ...) NO clothing change (dak orange shirt with dark pants are okay, but a Naruto that wears DARK shirt, DARK pants green shinobi west.... NO) and NO "Naruto looses interest in ramen")

These things are a must, otherwise (the things below) are just possibilitys/examples.

So here a few possibilitys/examples:


Naruto has the power of Uzumaklie and Kurama .... Sasuke want that power to defeat Itachi/avange the clan. He reads in a book that "demons" can share their power with their "mate" or "partner"

So in order to get access to Narutos power he slowly begins to develop a relationship. (As Naruto has power of Uzum amkie, Kyuubi... he is morer powerfull than Sasuke. And by that I mean that Sasuke may be better in some areas than Naruto, but in a 1 on 1 fight to death, NARUTO WOULD CRUSH SASUKE BY THE SHEER DIFFERENCE IN CHAKRA. But seeing as that Kitsunes often take the role of females and that the former jinchuurikis were woman Naruto takes the bottomk in the relationship. {as his "role" in this is influenced by Kyuubi and thus by the former hosts. )}


Naruto starts a relationship with Kurama. (After battle, so Naruto has the six paths senjutsu, and the power to c all upon ALL NINE) Kurama is on top, because as a demon he can only bottom after defeat (no prob if Naruto wanted he CAN defeat Kyuubi in this) but beeing defeated means loss of position and becoming a "omega bitcvh" for demons (nearly slave like. That is what happened to Shukaku and nearly drove him insane. Because of that Naruto does NOT fight Kyuubi 1 on 1 for "the lead")


Naruto is the Nine tailed fox, after sealing went wronmg (Kuram as mind may or may not remain, but ALL THE POWER BELONGS TO NARUTO ALREADY. Also, because Naruto had to learn a counterr to his demonic "corruption" (e.g. the hate malivilence...) he has Senjutsu.

Because of all this he never was given the chance of the Ninja career, but "imprisoned" in a temple (NO NHATE FOR HIRUZEN (3 HOKAGE) for the decicion was made without Hokages approval. AND NO BASHING mplease)

This year however he is joining a team. (maybe some clan pulled a few strings to protect their hair, or some clan does pull strings to repay Naruto for something he did. OR it could be that war is looming and thus the council decides to grant Hiruzens wish of allowing Naruto freedom (but their own intention is to make Konoha "use their weapon" frighten the other nations with their power...)


Naruto, duo to an accident, gains power of nain tailed early (HE ALSO CAN DEVELOP THE OTHER APPILITIES)

NOW he must learn to control them to remain a ninja and achive his dream of becoming Hokage.

At the same time he (without knowing it) searches for a partner he can rely on and that is able to help Naruto deal with the nighmares and cruelty of the world (he sense hate, malevolence.... )


After death of Hokage (3 or 4) Danzou and/or council decide to kidnap Naruto before "loving fools" (Hiruzen, Jiraya, Tsunade) get their hands on him.

They train him as a weapon. (Kuramas power)

He is later discovered and Jiraya/Tsunade take Naruto to a "healing trip" (in witch he learns Senjutsu and other things)

Later he returns to Konoha.

(In my mind, he was first with Danzou and Co, later (age 6) discovered and "brought to a healing trip)

At age 12 he returns to Konoha to becpome Ninja.(He wants to end hate and wants to change the system from within. )

AAT that time (122) he is a jonnin level, near Kage level Ninja (with even then untrapped potential, so he CAN get even stronger )

But because of burougraty and Hiruzens wish for Naruto to form friendship with age peers, he is a gennin in rank.

I know mit is a lot to ask, but still, but I hope the last few "examples" have somehow given one of you a "muse".

Hoping to hear from someone


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