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The title of the thread should clue you into what this challenge is about, but in case it's not clear, I want to see a story about Ron Weasley having sex with Draco Malfoy's girlfriends and eventually his wife too, behind Malfoy's back and with him being completely oblivious about it.

The list of candidates is as follows:

1. Pansy Parkinson; 3rd and 4th year of Hogwarts would work out for the best. Make Pansy a vindictive witch, who goes off to make out with Ron Weasley every time Draco pisses her off in some way (looks at other girls, compliments them or when he turns into a crybaby after the incident with Buckbeak). Don't let it get out of hand too much for their 3rd year (everything but sex), but make sure to end that year with at least a blowjob, Pansy swallowing and then soon after, without cleaning her mouth or getting rid of the cock-breath, french-kissing Draco in the Great Hall where Ron can see.

Bonus scene, if you feel like writing it, could be a short meet-up at the Quidditch World Cup, where Pansy is giving a sloppy blowjob to Ron before the match started, while Draco stands somewhere near, trying to taunt and insult Weasley. Hide Pansy with magic or some nearby scenery, or whatever you like, just make sure he doesn't realize what's going on.

Ideal opportunity for them first having sex could be the evening of the Yule Ball, while Draco waits for Pansy outside the girl's bathroom, grumbling and wondering why she had to drag him along while she 'fixed her make-up'. The thrill from having her boyfriend wait for her, just on the other side of the door, while a wizard he utterly loathes, a 'blood traitor', is balls deep in her pussy should be pretty much all the reason she needs to continue her cheating on Draco with Ron. Also, bonus points if right after this Pansy pretends to give Draco her virginity, when she's actually just giving him Ron's sloppy seconds.

2. Daphne Greengrass; she's pretty much a blank slate, so I'd like to see this iteration of Daphne as the witch equivalent of a bimbo. That means she's got to be a bleach blonde, with bee-stung lips, stacked, slim and slutty.

Something like Lindsey Pelas.

The best time for her being with Draco would be 6th year, with him using her as a cover at times while he's trying to find ways to off Dumbledore, and she using him as a cover to her parents, to show that she's not promiscuous, when in truth she takes every opportunity possible to cheat on Draco without him being aware of it. She cheats on Draco with more than just one wizard, but she should be pointed in Ron Weasley's direction by Pansy, who recommends him as a generous and well endowed lover. Everyone in Slytherin should be aware of Daphne's cheating, given that she's been fucking a fair portion of the wizards there, but no one should tell Draco about it going on, and instead they throw some subtle digs at him about getting to eat creampies and sloppy seconds.

Be as free form about this as you like, so long as there's lots of Ron and Daphne action.

One thing of note though is that I'd like to see at least one scene where they're getting it on while in Draco's presence. Put him in a deeper sleep with magic or dose him with a potion, with them doing it right next to him on the bed or couch in the nearly empty common room, or have them go at it while underneath the invisibility cloak and Draco not sitting far from them in the library or anywhere else - that sort of stuff.

At the end of it, make certain that the two do end up getting caught by Draco, however that may happen, but Daphne should disarm him and tie him up to watch how someone else gives her a proper fucking. If she happens to sit on her boyfriend's face after they're done with the sex, right after Ron finished dumping a few loads in her pussy, all the better.

3. Astoria Malfoy née Greengrass; since she's Daphne's sister, she should be pretty much aware of how much her sister cheated on Draco when they were together and how things ended, so she's the one who picked him as her husband after the war, rather than vice versa. She's found out over the years that she's a dominatrix who gets off on emasculating and humiliating her partners. And what could be more humiliating than turning her hubby into a cuckold, while picking Ron Weasley to be her lover? You can frame this however you want, with Astoria gradually breaking Draco over time into his new role in the Malfoy household, that of a cuckold and sissy, but just make sure that Astoria has at least one baby by Ron.

One important thing is that Draco originally doesn't have a small cock, he's average, but after Astoria marries him, she will look for ways to shrink his manhood in order to turn him into a sissy cuckold all the more easier and she'll use magic to make Draco not notice it at first.

It could happen that after Draco fails to give her children of his own, Astoria turns to her lover in search of a prospective father. At this time, their affair should still be a secret from everyone. Have a scene where an obviously and heavily pregnant Astoria Malfoy is out in Diagon Alley with her husband by her side when they come across Ron Weasley. Astoria could ditch the hubby or just divert her husband's attention before she lets Ron know he's going to be a father to twins. Have him rub her belly and exchange affectionate kisses with her before sending her back to her husband.

The affair should be revealed by Astoria gleefully confessing when Draco accuses her of looking like she just got shagged (which she did, the dried cum on her wedding ring proves it). This should happen before she gives birth, so basically there should be a pregnant Astoria and Ron sex scene that precedes this. If you like, have Astoria stroke Draco's little cock while telling him in great detail what she'd done with her lover.

The process of how to turn Draco Malfoy into a submissive cuckold is completely up to the person who takes up this challenge. Forced chastity, with magic or just plain cages, prostate orgasms and so on... write whatever you like, so long as sounds somewhat plausible.

Please include a scene where Ron and Astoria have sex in the Malfoy manor, in the bed where she and her husband sleep. If you want, have another one like it, but with Draco guiding Ron inside his wife, watching and later doing the clean-up. Or combine the two scenes into one to spare you the effort. I just figured there could be some neat kinds of comparison, like when they first start, they do it in secret and quick, before her husband gets home, and later when he's completely dominated by his wife, he helps her with prepping her lover to fuck her and then cleans up the mess to avoid her getting pregnant again (which naturally won't work at all).

Now, Ron should be well endowed, but nothing ridiculous. More in girth than length, to stretch the witches. He should be a bit of a clumsy lover at first, with Pansy guiding him on how to get good at oral and everything else. As far as Hermione and Harry are concerned, they might as well not exist for the purpose of this fic, but if you have to include them, do so minimally.

Canon events should be of little important and should be barely mentioned, as this really is just lots of porn with no plot.

When Ron is with Pansy or Daphne it should involve some amount of risk, in the sense of doing it in risky situations where they might get caught by someone. Think something like Pansy going on a date with Draco to Hogsmeade and then while inside some store, she gets busy snogging and groping with Ron Weasley, with her boyfriend not too far away. Ron's relationship with Pansy should remain a secret, until Pansy later confides in Daphne and encourages her to cheat on Draco with Ron.

With Daphne being an unrepentant cheating slut, she should be open to all sorts of kinky and risky sex, so go wild with it.

An important aspect of Astoria and Ron's relationship should be subtly humiliating and denigrating her husband while they're out in public. For instance, have them go out for a dinner in some muggle part of London, with Astoria sitting near to Ron, and Draco on his own at the other end of a table. Have her express her affection for Ron in small gestures, like hand holding, giving each other kisses while in front of her hubby and generally communicate in body language that Ron is her lover, not him.

That's about it really.

I know this is rather extensive and detailed of me, but to tell you the truth that's only because I had originally planned to write this one myself, but simply can't find the time recently, so I figured someone else might pick it up in the meantime. And even if no one does pick it up, I might have a go at it myself eventually, but not in the near future.

Edited by Laurent

Well, consider me interested. Here's a couple of clarifications

1- Should Pansy keep having a relationship with Ron even after the breakup with Draco?

2- Since Daphne is basically the school bycicle could a threesome scene with Harry (no homo) or with Pansy be allowed?

3- After war scenario, is Ron cheating on Hermione? Could she be aware of it and cheat as well (with Harry) or she's turned on by Ron fucking other women and encourages it?

3- After Draco is sissified and cuckolded properly should he be just a spectator to his wife cheating or should he take actively part in it as Ron's toy (all of the homo).

That's about it.

Posted (edited)

They can keep having sex, if you want to write about it, but it shouldn't be anything more than the occasional romp. The big part of why they got together after all was to spite Malfoy. Once Pansy's relationship with him was over, the thrill of putting one over him is gone. The sex would still be good, mind you, for her and Ron, but it would be merely a pleasant past-time. Think of it more like the two of them happening to meet each other, on their own, and then indulging in some fantastic sex. They'd still have a good time, they just would get more pleasure out of it if Pansy was still cheating on Draco and giving him Ron's sloppy seconds (and thirds).

Ah, Harry. See, one of the reasons why I had Pansy and the other two go for Ron was that he at least was a pureblood. For all that's happening, I never considered their prejudices would change much, they'd merely be overlooked in favor of the sex Ron was getting. But if you want to, I wouldn't be opposed to seeing a threesome scene with Ron and Harry plugging up Daphne from both ends before they send her packing back to her boyfriend, while she's still got their cum in all of her holes.

Pansy could easily join up Ron and Daphne, given that she was the one to encourage Daphne to get together with him in the first place, so she'd be getting that thrill of cheating on Draco, even if it was only through a proxy.

See, this is why I really thought it best to keep Hermione's presence to the minimum, because I wanted Ron to be a bachelor post-Hogwarts. His relationship with Hermione should only be as friends and nothing more. I admit, that's my own bias against the character playing into it, but it also helps get rid of complications. The whole point of this challenge was never for the 'good guys', if you pardon me for saying so, to get fucked over, so even if I don't like Hermione, I don't want her getting cheated on or her cheating on Ron (which wouldn't happen because they should be nothing more than friends here).

Ron could have a casual, no strings attached, relationship with some witch before he starts up his affair with Astoria Malfoy, but when it does start, everything should shift focus to that and any previous casual relationship he might have had would simply be dropped in favor of the one with Astoria.

However, if you really do want to write Hermione in relationship with Ron, after Hogwarts, have her be turned on by Ron's sexual adventures with other women (having found out about it before they got married by way of Ron telling her what he's done in the past), and when the affair with Astoria Malfoy starts up, make sure that Hermione approves it first and eventually joins them in their debasement, sissification and humiliation of Draco Malfoy by participating in it however she likes.

She could keep quiet about it at first, but after the affair is revealed to Draco, she would throw digs at him in the Ministry, about what a fine cuckold he's become and how he's acquired a taste for creampies. Think of it as a way for Hermione to pay him back for all the things he said and did in Hogwarts. When the stuff in the last paragraph that I wrote happens, you could even have Hermione be the one fucking him in the ass with some form of magical strap-on. But, like I said before, it just makes things less complicated if she's not in the picture at all.

As for Draco, I forgot to put this in earlier, don't make him too eager in his new role. Write him to still be bitter about what's happening (even somewhat resistant if grudgingly accepting) and resentful of the fact that the only attention he gets from his wife (once the affair is revealed to him and she's made him submit to her through previous training and influence) is her playing with his locked up cock or teasing out a prostate orgasm while disparaging him (telling him how this is the only way he could possibly even satisfy her) or when she makes him suck out her lover's cum straight from her freshly-fucked cunt and so on.

He's still going to get turned on by all this, but he should hate it at first and the gradual change to a sissy cuckold shouldn't be omitted in favor of just getting the whole over quickly. Drag it out, if you feel like it, have him question his sexuality, his lack of masculinity, his acceptance of what Astoria's done to him and how Pansy and Daphne too have cheated on him in the past and given him countless creampies and sloppy seconds, courtesy of Ron Weasley, and how there's a small, but growing, part of him that is enjoying it a lot, no matter how humiliating it is.

Now to the bit about his involvement. When he's turned into a sissy, I expect him to have a more feminine tone to his appearance. Nothing outrageous, but a bit of widening of the hips and thighs, slightly plumper lips, bigger ass and stuff like that. When he does look like that, Ron shouldn't be opposed to having Draco service him in a number of ways: a blowjob just before Astoria gets home so Ron is ready to fuck Draco's wife when she arrives, kissing and sucking on his balls while Ron has Astoria pressed against the wall with her legs wrapped around him, and if you want so you could have one (or more) scene where Astoria watches Ron completely dominate her husband, which should lead into full-blown sex where Draco admits in the heat of the moment what a slut he's become and how he loves it all.

One last thing: the affair between Ron and Astoria should remain secret to the outside world and the changes done to Draco should be kept concealed with the aid of magic. Make Ron's and Astoria's children look like her or if you want them to have the typical Weasley look, make sure they get covered in some glamor magic before they go outside and are seen by others.

Edited by Laurent
Posted (edited)

No worries, you don't have to try and rush it or anything of the sort.

Just post here with a link to the story when you upload it to AFF, that's all.

And thank you.

Edited by Laurent

There's another witch of Malfoy's that we could put into the mix. Narcissa. I had this idea, post-war scenario, where Ron during a lone raid at Malfoy's home finds a cache of Dark artifacts from the dearly departed Lucius of which neither Narcissa nor Draco knew anything about. Ron wants to pin the crime on Draco, since he's a marked ex-Death Eater on parole but Narcissa, reluctantly, offers Ron a deal not to arrest her son and throw him into Azkban for good.

The rest should be evident.

What do you think?

Posted (edited)

I honestly forgot all about Narcissa. Probably because I was just looking at witches that would most likely be involved with Draco Malfoy by way of a 'romantic' relationship rather than actually related. If you feel like writing it up, go for it.

Really, you don't even have to have Lucius as dead, you can keep him alive, so that Ron can cuckold both Malfoy Jr. and Malfoy Sr. at the same time, but keep Lucius completely ignorant (naturally, he should still get to taste some Weasley homemade creampies and get plenty of sloppy seconds) even though Draco should come to find out about it, but basically be forced to keep his mouth shut due to Astoria's influence over him.

Feel free to write Draco performing his cuckold sissy duties even before his mother's eyes.

Edited by Laurent
  • 2 years later...
  • 2 years later...

I would love to read this. Even if it is Ron or Harry, I would love to see Draco cucked. If someone has attempted this or found something similar, please provide link.

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