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The breaking of Sasuke into Satsuki

Guest Draynuy

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Guest Draynuy

The mission about the retrieval of Sasuke was a success, Naruto and his teammates were felicitated, in prime Naruto is finally told about his legacy and can officially take his inheritance and the option to be under the CRA.

Sasuke, as punition for his attempted desertion, has all his Chakra sealed, so he cannot even try to gain access to the curse mark, and furthermore is placed under house arrest under the authority of the one who has captured him, Naruto, who can add any supplementary punitions as he wish and that until a trial for probation in three years.

Naruto, take advantage to this to give Sasuke a seal that will transform him into a girl. The seal will last only until the trial unless Satsuki voluntary decide to become pregnant then the seal will become permanent. Satsuki, along with two other prisoner from Oto, Kin and Tayuya, will become the maids and guardians of the new Uzumaki-Namikaze domain.

Only Naruto has no intention to release Sasuke after three years if the Uchiha gains probation; the Jinchuriki wants the break his three maids into becoming his personal sluts, so he give his prisoners some other seals: one who limits the access of the three girl to only konoha, one who prevent them to attack a resident of Konoha unless in their duties or in emergency, and one who give them pleasure when they do a correct task for their master, who subtly increase their arousal but who prevent them to find sexual release unless by the hand of Naruto.

Also Naruto take advantage of the CRA to add several girls to his harem and augment the arousal of his prisoners, especially Satsuki, by fucking loudly his spouses into bliss.

The Girls of Naruto must be (in no particular ordre):

Hinata who becomes his first and most important wife

Hana Inuzuka to add more ties with the clans of Konoha


Matsuri to fix a alliance with Suna

Haku who was not totally dead but more into a dead state provoked by her bloodline to aid her heal.

Samui who was either send to investigate the new namikaze but was captured and transformed into another maid or send as diplomatic offer

Kin and Tayuya

Kurotsuki same options than Samui

Fu, rescued after her banissement from her village

Rin Nohara, they find a labo of Orochimaru where there is a clone of Rin at the same age as Naruto, linked to a endo tensei of her soul linked to the clone.

Konohamaru who decide to become female to be with her boss

optional moegi and Hanabi as favor for Hinata

And of course Satsuki.

The fic can stop when Satsuki is totally broken and decide to become a baby maker for Naruto but can also go further.

There must be at least a limited plot into the background, a more developed plot is appreciated.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest Draynuy

For another version of this challenge:

Naruto and Sasuke are childhood friends, they are teammate, they are the heir of their clan and, as last male member of their clan, they fall under the CRA.

For Naruto there is no problem, he has already several kunoïchi that are ready to help him restore the Uzumaki Clan including his own mother Kushina and his twin sister Natsumi but also his girlfriends Hinata Hyuga and Shana Uchiwa, Sasuke's twin.

However Sasuke has a problem, he is secretely gay and in love with Naruto, worse, he is in denial for both these facts. Naruto knows these verities and has a plan to solve the problem even as he continue to build the future of their Clans.

Naruto's plan is simple, seduce all significative female in both their lives and fuck them a maximum in Sasuke's proximity to drive him mad with desire, while Sasuke 's own mother and sisters, previously seduced and fucked silly, subtely hypnotise the last male Uchiwa to augment his erotic dreams about Naruto, make him submissive to the Uzumaki and slowly convince him to transform into a female to become one of his wifes.

The futures women of the Clan Uzumaki-Namikaze-Uchiwa:

-Uzumaki Kushina: Naruto's mother and one of the false crush of Sasuke
-Uzumaki Natsumi: Naruto's twin and the other false crush of Sasuke
-Uchiwa Mikoto: Sasuke's mother, best friend of Kushina and Naruto's childhood crush
-Uchiwa Izumi (Fem Itachi): Sasuke 's older sister, sensei of Hinata, Shana and Natsumi
-Uchiwa Shana: Sasuke's twin, one of Naruto 's girlfriend
-Hinata Hyuga: Naruto's first girlfriend, teammate of Shana and Natsumi
-Tenten: Last teammate of Naruto and Sasuke.
-Rin Nohara: student of Minato, Sensei of Naruto, Sasuke and Tenten, and Naruto's fantasy.
-Haku: ward of the Uzumaki clan since her rescue from the bloodline purge
-Uchiwa Satuki: Sasuke after he breaks and becomes a willing wife of Naruto.

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Guest Midnightson

Hmm not bad but you should probably change the title if Sasuke/Satsuki is the last one he has sex with because when i read the title The breaking of Sasuke into Satsuki my mind went back to a story in fanfiction where Sasuke NTR Naruto and in revenge Naruto turned Sasuke into a girl so he could rape her and in at end Sasuke now Satsuki reveals that he seduced Naruto's fiancee (not Hinata) because he wanted Naruto to rape him/her in some form of twisted love. But now that i read both of your ideas i think you should change the title because should Naruto has sex with Sasuke/Satsuki first or Sasuke becomes Satsuki at the begining then there is more of a reason for Sasuke/Satsuki to realize there's no way out of his/her situation or for him/her to developed/realize his/her feelings for Naruto.

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Guest Midnightson

Another Idea you could add if your doing the second challenge is having Sasuke walk in on Naruto and his lovers having sex and slowly becoming turned on and later on becoming secretly obsessed with watching him again or to have Sasuke actually have sex with one his crushes only to have him feel nothing afterwords.

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Guest Draynuy

First even if I could be willing to change the title I don't know how to do it, furthermore I don't know what could be the title, maybe just add a slow breaking, because it is what the goal of this challenge is.

Second, if you read the first version, Sasuke is transformed into Sasuke from the begginnings and I have not forbidden that Naruto Force himself onto a unwilling, at first, Satsuki, to break her, even if I would prefer a more "subtil" approach.

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