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Games Category Request

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Guest PersonOfDisinterest

Name: Beyond Good and Evil

Category: Games

Stories: Working on one


Not sure what's happened here, whether it's because the category request wasn't formatted correctly or the appropriate person/people to fulfil it are simply busy. Assuming it's the former (which I apologise for), I'll try again:

I have a category request to put in.

Category name: Beyond Good & Evil.
Section category to be in: Games.
Do you have any stories for it?: Yes.


Hey, there. Just to give you a response, our head tech admin is the one who creates new categories, and she is busy enough for three people in RL. So, sadly your request may possibly have just slipped through the cracks, or she simply hasn't had time to respond to it yet.

We do apologize for the wait, but please be patient, and she'll leave you a note here, when she has created the category.

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