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Some Pet Peeves and Loves


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Ok, so I basically work at the equivelant of 'New England's Yard Sale' (if you live here, you can probably guess what it is, we have annoying commercials on TV) and I have some pet peeves to share with you, friends and customers. These peeves are not exclusive to my workplace or even this country. Now, I know that employees have nametags for a reason, but hear me out. Please do not call us by our first names, it is creepy and it scares the crap out of me every time you do it. This is because I am both paranoid, socially awkward, and have a hard time remembering people, so when you say my name, I think that maybe I should know you or you are a stalker. So don't do it. When you are a register, checking out, DO NOT answer your cell phone. Fuck, don't even bring it into the store with you if it is such a habit that you can't get through an entire transaction without whipping it out. Now, I know to most to you people, cashiers aren't REAL people, but it is annoying and rude, so please don't. Mothers, keep your children under control. One mother had the audacity to tell me that it was my job to clean up after her child, so he/she could run about the store, trashing it, and I couldn't complain. No, it's your job as a mother to make sure that little shit doesn't cause havoc. If the sign outside says 'no pets' that means 'no pets' not 'if the dog is really little it's ok'. A dog is a dog, end of story. Please do not eat our food before you buy it. If you're so hungry that you have to eat in the store, buy it at customer service, then shop. You say that you're going to buy it eventually, but in reality, not everyone does. So if you don't want to be treated like a shoplifter, don't do this. Do not take your bad mood out on the cashier. We don't have anything to do with problems that our store has, that's what customer service is for. We can't do much of anything, really.

Ok, that's enough of that... onto loves.

My parents just left for Alaska for two weeks, so there's a lot of stuff that I'm thinking, I can finally do that! But high on my list is: I can watch hentai on the big screen TV with the volume on!

It has been officially decided, I am going to see The Happening, though I disregarded the Strangers and I probably shouldn't have. I watched the Orphanage and it rocked my world. Anyone else out there have some good movie reviews/recommendations?

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Now, I know that employees have nametags for a reason, but hear me out. Please do not call us by our first names, it is creepy and it scares the crap out of me every time you do it. This is because I am both paranoid, socially awkward, and have a hard time remembering people, so when you say my name, I think that maybe I should know you or you are a stalker. So don't do it. When you are a register, checking out, DO NOT answer your cell phone. Fuck, don't even bring it into the store with you if it is such a habit that you can't get through an entire transaction without whipping it out. Now, I know to most to you people, cashiers aren't REAL people, but it is annoying and rude, so please don't.

I conveniently "forget" to wear my name tag sometimes (hey, if my manager isn't going to bust me out for it, it's not my problem...). Where I work, we're supposed to use the person's name at least three times when we're talking to them, but I find that not only awkward, but sometimes impossible since I can't even begin to pronounce some of my customers' names (even if they say it first). The only time I don't find someone calling me by my name creepy is if they're a repeat customer and I've actually talked to them about things other than business.

Oh the cell phone thing. I totally feel your pain on that. Where I work, we have to be interactive with the customers, ask them questions and such. If someone comes to my counter on their phone, I just ignore them. Or, if they answer in the middle, I'll wait - forever if need be, I'm just stubbornly patient enough - until they finish their oh so important conversation (seriously? You couldn't have waited five minutes to tell your mother all about the vacation you took three weeks ago?!). Sometimes I'll do other things like answer the work phone or help other customers. Sometimes I'll talk over their conversation. My whole feeling on it is we could have been done in five minutes, but since you feel like being a dick and wasting my time, I'm more than happy to waste yours. Jerks.

Another pet peeve is people who think it's my goddamn fault that they just spent fourteen hours traveling. Look, I'm sorry that you've had a shitty day and that O'Hare is the worst airport in the freakin' world, but it's just not my problem. It wasn't my fault there were high winds/torrential downpours/tornadoes/freak blizzards in the middle of the summer. I'm not the one who lost your luggage or got de-icer all over it, so don't take it out on me, okay?

I'm behind in watching recent movies (totally want to see The Orphanage), but I heard that The Strangers was supposed to be really good.

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