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One Thousand Apologies - an original coming of age erotic romance

Joe Long

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Author: Joe Long
Title: One Thousand Apologies
Premise: I was a 19 year old virgin when I met my first love. She was my 13 year old cousin.
Summary: A family man looks back at his college days in the 1970's, recollecting the people and events, steps and missteps, that forced him to grow up quickly.
Feedback: Yes please. Please leave comments at the forum. http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/60288-one-thousand-apologies/
Fandom: Originals, Coming-of-Age
Solo story or chaptered story: Chaptered
URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600107817

This story had been originally published at other sites last year. I hev taken considerable effort to go back and edit and expand the text, to make it an even better story. I welcome comments and discussion at the forum.

For the next few months, I hope to be posting new chapters within a week or two. Chapter 2 will likely be posted very soon, in the next couple days.

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I've added a subplot, and unfortunately had to add/change a couple lines in the already published chapter two, but it's really good. If you've already read it, I'd encourage you to go back, about halfway though 2, where Hannah is sleeping on the floor and Joe has breakfast the next day - just a few paragraphs

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