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Buffy > General > 32

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Ch 1:

• overhearing theversversation

• arose mid dcarecaressing the

• fun lasght?ght?” the

• had obeenbeen a one

Bittersweet Book One


Menu 4:

• ear, qui run running

• call withwith news

Menu 5:

• moment al doe does is

• fades Buffyns ins in her

• AN at end: read evieeviews which

Menu 8:

• nothing tgel.tel. What

Menu 9

• I am t tot to be

Menu 11

• Box. [para] ra dra didn’t really

Menu 14

• of ashsettintointo near

• but it ed oed out they

• phone at hotehotel, he’d

Menu 15:

• twice on tathrathroom door

Menu 16:

• morning in Suale.ale. Both

Menu 17:

• explains whatoingoing on

Menu 19

• bright beaul sul sunny

• been loTheyThey would

Menu 20:

• his demoguisguise and

• barreling though thont ont door

• back up her boHe sHe suddenly

• anticipation tum fro from his

• just begging e kie kissed

• and co bon bone as

Menu 21:

• been this le, le, this tender

• hardened nus fis fingers

Menu 23:

• Buffy tg cag care

Menu 25:

• so what ou sou see

Menu 26:

Menu 26 has a large repeated section of text.

Begins at:

• htnly look on as she continued to fade

and ends at:

• where his mind nly look on as she continued to fade

The whole section between those, with a bit of repairing of the join, can be deleted.

Then normal glitches continue:

• and thed mud muscles

• cracked wsuppsuppressed sobs

• Looking upardsards the

• that very nt. [para] nt.

• took him surp was was the

• eyes painfule fle flopped

• didn’t gter ter theh two

Menu 27:

• looked toware ske sky; he

Menu 28:

• in Paris of allces.es. He

• to get the e fre from his

• she didey jey just didn’t

• was his s Wil Willow

• 12:02 SighSighing

• Giles giv given all

• she sd sad sadly before

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