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Hey folks,

(If you read this general introduction paragraph in one of my other threads, it's just copied directly over, in case this thread is the only one you look at, so feel free to skip over it, if you've read it already.)

So, I've been writing away and posting up my works intermittently for quite a while now, and I've always deeply craved feedback, or all sorts. Mostly I want to share my stories with anyone who'd care to read it, but beyond that, I very much welcome anyone who can offer comments, even if they're just notes to say things they liked or didn't, what things they felt worked, or didn't. Thus far, I've been unable to get anything but praise from readers, which, while I deeply appreciate it (and if you're so inclined, I do love it), doesn't help me improve, so I'm equally eager to hear from readers who can tear my work apart, pick all the holes and really put me through the wringer of detailed feedback.

For a time, I checked back on my works, but, while views steadily climb, very rare is it that anyone reviews; all bar one of my submissions here remain on a solitary, lonely zero. Then, the other day, a friend told me that if I really wanted to grab the eye of readers who would feel inclined to comment back, then I really ought to swing over this way and put up promotion threads for them here. Turns out, this was a novel idea for me, so, here I am.


The next piece is a simple one-off that I wrote while I was replaying FFXII, as a single chapter one-off, and as practice writing from a male's perspective. Being female, I usually write from the female perspective, especially when it comes to erotica, so how well or poorly my work reads and flows when written from male perspectives, as in this piece, is something I'm particularly interested in hearing about.

Author: NiaraAfforegate
Title: One Night
Summary: Snapshot of a night for Vaan and Penelo, set a short but unspecific time before the events of the game.
Feedback: Highly Desired, in any form.
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
Pairing: Vaan/Penelo
Warnings: MF, Oneshot, Vaguely PwP-ish
Solo story or chaptered story: Single Oneshot, Complete.
URL: http://ff.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600083134

Edited by Niara

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