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I know that I have changed the location of the race track in my original story Murder at the racetrack and changed the names of the races that are very recognizable and a few names of the horses.

But now I am thinking that I should have left it as is but if I get it published like I am wanting to do, the people who own the names may come after me for money using the names like I did.

Did I do the right thing as in changing the names about?



You may have been okay with using the names of actual races, although it could depend on how you portray the races. Changing the names of the horses was a good idea, I think. Overall, I think changing all the names will make things easier and simpler on you.

Although if you're going to upload the story in full on the internet then you might have trouble getting it published. Publishers generally require 'first publishing rights', and uploading stories onto the internet is considered publishing. One chapter will be okay though.


I don't plan on posting the story in full on the internet as I do intend on publishing it one day. I may go for the self publishng route for this and a few other of my stories. I have had not very good luck with agents.

But the main track Santa Anita is shown somewhat in a bad light as the track where this 'murder' happened at and since I don't really want to have trouble with them nor with the Triple Crown folks, I changed the name of the track to Santa Tanita and the name of the Triple Crown to Triple Gold Crown.


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