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Hi Everyone. So I am going to go ahead and post my responses to reviews. I am very happy to be receiving such great reviews for this story. So Since I haven't done any reviews yet please be patient because I am going to do them all since the first chapter. So bare with me this will be a long list.


I'm glad you think it was a funny idea and I hope it has continued to be a funny read.


I'm glad you like the story.


I definitely got some smut in there. Though I have to admit it was tricky at times.


Glad you like it


Thank you I am the master of sneaking in smut where it is unexpected.


I'm saying nothing about Jeremy and Jamie being interested in each other. That will be covered later. Drama is fun, my stories are chalk full of it. Thank you for reading.


Hi again. I do love reading your reviews, they're so much fun. Thanks for asking about my son he's great being a reckless little toddler and getting into everything. I'm glad you like the story. Luther and Scott are in the story quite a bit more.


It would have been funny if they were related but that would also cause entirely different twists. Thanks for checking out my website.


Thank you very much.


Thank you


You're welcome for the update and I already posted after Scott found out so you know that.


Thank you for saying this. Mostly though I want to try to have my work more organized and a lot of it is still free on my website. I have been posting on AFF for a long time now and I just need to try my hand at something a little different.


Yes lots of mixed signals from Jamie but he is very confused about how to deal with Scott. After all Scott is very persistent and it's hard for Jamie to turn him away when he really does like him. Clearly Jamie does tell Scott the truth eventually and it has it's own consequences. As to the issue between Jeremy and Jamie well it is more complex but will be answered.


I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't think up a better secret for Scott. I did like the cliffhanger though.


Glad you liked it hope it's still awesome.


Thank you


That would have been an awesome secret but no. Scott doesn't write gay porn though that would have made things much easier for Jamie. Scott is quite smitten with Jamie so it's hard for him to push him away even with knowing that he is in fact a man. Jamie did have a good idea for coming clean to his job but it doesn't really work for him as you know now.


Scott is confused so he is fighting himself on a lot of his reactions. I'm glad you are still liking the story.


I'm going with saying that a lot of places just ask names without really specifying genders. So I don't think there would be any issues with calling his work. Other than that though a lot of Djs aren't technically employees so far as there isn't usually paperwork. It's mostly under the table. My husband Djs and it's all under the table, no paperwork. Also perhaps Jamie was a bit of an ass for interrupting Jeremy but he was also just being very moody.

  • 2 weeks later...


Yea, I like to make my stories realistic that's half the fun. lol. Thanks for reading. Hope you like the new chapter.


Well Jeremy was in this one. Yes Scott is still very confused there is a lot going on for him. I don't really go into how much Sammy knew but he was definitely on to him. I'm still not feeling great but oh well I updated. Hope you like the chapter.

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