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Request Harry Potter and Sekirei Crossover

Guest Draynuy

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Guest Draynuy

Hey, like the title say I would like a story who mix Harry Potter and Sekirei. I have already read the story by Dragen (here is a link for inspiration : "http://www.hpfanficarchive.com/stories/viewstory.php?sid=958") and even If I love his story and wait impatiently for the next chapters, I know that he update his stories very slowly so I hope for another story that will be a bit more quick.

For a bit of Background:

After the battle of Hogwart and having finished his studies (with one or two more years for a speciality and to have a bit of tranquility), Harry decide to journey around the world with his girlfriend(s) (for a maximum of three and a preference for Ginny, Daphne, Susan, Katie, Sue-li {Character nearly blank so you can do whatever you imagine} or Fleur) so they can escape the Britain's magical world that begins to disgust them.

During their travel, they asist at a abduction of two little girl by mercenaries and decide to aid the two young woman (Yume and karasuba) to rescue them. They manage to save the two little girl before the military experiment on Musubi so her core is intact. After having securising the two little sekirei, Yume, having reacted to Harry, decide to accompagne him in his travel.

Years later, Yume is given troublesome news from Shinto Teito, so Harry, his first sekirei (because more will arrive) and his girlfriend(s) decide to return in japan to see what is the problem(s) and try to solve it, unkwown that they will enter in a game and dominate it.

others details:

Harry and company arrive in Shinto Teito some months before the beginning of the manga. Harry meets quickly Minato and decide to take him under his wings so Minato develops gradually a personality more affirmed.

A wizard age more or less slowly in fonction of their magical power, Harry and by association his girl(s) are nearly immortal in that sense

Harry is a Lycan (he control his transformation) since the end of his tird year (Remus has accidentaly bitten him but this has destroyed his horcruxe) and he had no problem to accasionaly dominate his partners with his beast form. During their tavel Harry and his group meets and old Lycan who teach Harry the mysteriries of their species and request of Harry to begins a new coven. Harry accepts then to bit his girlfriend(s), something that he had always evited until now.

The paranormal world is more developed than the wizarding world and there is also a underworld for those who are paranormal. I Would like a profound exploration and description of this world.

You can chose how Minato is upgraded but his Sekirei must be Musubi, Matsu, Tsukiumi and a maximum of two more sekirei original or less known.

Counting his girlfriend(s) Harry can have a maximum of 11 girls and he must, at one moment, wing Yume, Akitsu and Miya so you have 7 to 5 sekirei you can invent or chose.

Each of the normal girl of Harry can wing one or two Sekirei of either sex, Homura must be one of them

The youngest Sekirei, aka Kusano, is 16 year old (age of consent in Japon I think). Kusano can be winged by either Minato, Harry or one of Harry's girl and count as one of their unkwown sekirei.

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