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game of thrones pwp

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i'd like to see a m/f game of thrones fic. just chapters of random characters having sex. ABSOLUTELY NO SLASH. because there's already an obscene number of them out there.

a good example is AryaStarkNaked's A Song of Lust and Desire, which takes chapters straight out of the books and adds a sex scene to make it interesting. like, the first scene is with will and an other, the second chapter is jon/arya, and the third chapter is viserys/dany.

pairings i'm mostly interested in


catelyn/robb (or any other stark son)


or any other mixup between the stark family




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  • 4 weeks later...

For sure! More chapters are on their way for my fic :)

The next chapter is (probably) going to be a Joffrey/Sansa chapter...

But I accept any requests! I have a Robb/Catelyn chapter in the works, and (maybe) planning Ned/Sansa chapter!

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