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Guest gamascal@gmail.com

Magus, I don't know if you notice but you have people picking sides here! Please relieve this stress and put us out of our misery by posting a chapter or two or more than two. I have my preference but I bow down to your wisdom. However, it seems as if this story is never going to end! Everyone in the house seems to be part human and part machine! More excursions into danger and the machine's percentage is getting higher!

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I am back. Sorry but there was no phone or internet where I was. But all is ok, a few dings but nothing serious. Sorry but I didn't get any writing done while I was gone, job was kinda time consuming, basically a babysitting job that went a little south but it all worked out in the end.

I have the chapter nearly written and the next several in my head so hopefully they should come kinda fast. Again, sorry about dropping off the grid but my job does tend to take me to some real crap holes now and again.

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I am back. Sorry but there was no phone or internet where I was. But all is ok, a few dings but nothing serious. Sorry but I didn't get any writing done while I was gone, job was kinda time consuming, basically a babysitting job that went a little south but it all worked out in the end.

I have the chapter nearly written and the next several in my head so hopefully they should come kinda fast. Again, sorry about dropping off the grid but my job does tend to take me to some real crap holes now and again.



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Hey, at your age?! Geeze you young wipper-snappers sure like to push the age button a lot. :lol:

Glad that you are okay, now relax and enjoy what down time you can get and remember they want you in reasonable health & condition.

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Guest futalove

I was wondering magus... how come you have never had max make humanoid tipe creature like hafe dog or cat elvis even a beautiful sucubus or two. Or even mermaids patrol the waters around the house. or give cat boddy guards and helpers becouse she seems to do a lot of work and running buy her self.. or battle avatars for some of your weaker people.

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I was wondering magus... how come you have never had max make humanoid tipe creature like hafe dog or cat elvis even a beautiful sucubus or two. Or even mermaids patrol the waters around the house. or give cat boddy guards and helpers becouse she seems to do a lot of work and running buy her self.. or battle avatars for some of your weaker people.

because they have the spiders to go with them. I did have Max make robotic butterflies for all the girls.

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ANNND another hanger. What agency is going after the tech?? FBI? Someone going rogue. Looks like Charles and Sara are going to have their hands full. You have the next ones already written in your head?? We are waiting. I guess the story of how the planes

got there will be a flashback. No bends from rebreathers.


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remember the planes from when Max and Alice flew in before xmas, still parked at the ranch, well he bought them around the time the sheriff was giving him trouble

I remember the planes. Question was how did they get on the ice. Landing on a ice runway is super tricky unless you have several miles for rollout.


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Remember Max had the spiders steam a runway, plus he had the self aware ones fly them out, they are like Alice so they can react faster and do things better than any human pilot could

I just skipped the whole boring flight from the ranch to the sub to get things moving along. There was the potential for a funny scene with Petra's fear of flying but I think the story was getting a bit bogged down

In fact the next several chapters will mainly be prep for the next book then the finale in this book

Getting close to the end...

Edited by magusfang
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Remember Max had the spiders steam a runway, plus he had the self aware ones fly them out, they are like Alice so they can react faster and do things better than any human pilot could

I just skipped the whole boring flight from the ranch to the sub to get things moving along. There was the potential for a funny scene with Petra's fear of flying but I think the story was getting a bit bogged down

In fact the next several chapters will mainly be prep for the next book then the finale in this book

Getting close to the end...

But also a new beginning, another great chapter. Now i really want to find out just who exactly the bad guys are

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It is good to have you back on line. Even as much as we harass you for more stories it is because "we" enjoy them so much. You never want pleasure to end BUT I suppose "all good things must come to an end". Like most folks I just want to prolong it as much as possible. Please keep up the good work.


Edited by Rescue25
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I just skipped the whole boring flight from the ranch to the sub to get things moving along. There was the potential for a funny scene with Petra's fear of flying but I think the story was getting a bit bogged down

Maybe you can have Emma recount the scene to Max in the next chapter. You can never have too much funny. ;)

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