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Naruto's Temptation Naru/Saku/Ino

Guest Blastronomical

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Guest Blastronomical

I'm not sure if this will ever get picked up but I hope an author could fulfill this request/Challenge. For anyone asking, the reason I cannot write this story myself is because I am absolutely horrible at character dialogues and writing smut.

I'm sorry if the request gets too long and detailed with the specifics here. I also apologize in advance for any spelling and grammar mistakes.

Naruto's Temptation (Main Story)

The story that I have in mind is a fic where Naruto is Hokage (we're assuming here that this is post-manga events) and he is married to Sakura.

She is expecting Naruto's child and after a certain number of months, the sex life between Naruto and Sakura has been almost non-existent due to Sakura's mood swings and worry over the unborn child. Because of this Naruto becomes sexually frustrated and tries to hold his urges through extended work in his office doing the typical Hokage duties. Unfortunately for Naruto, these sexual urges are very hard (no pun intended) to hold down.

Things get even more complicated when he has Ino as his own personal secretary. Ino notices after a while that Naruto seems more stressed and frustrated. She then asks him if there's anything wrong and eventually makes him confess that his sex life isn't so great at the moment. She offers some advice about the problem while at the same time, noticing his discomfort with his sexual life, is plotting a way to seduce him.

Throughout the days Naruto starts to notice Ino is wearing more revealing clothing (examples: a sexy secretary outfit, short mid-thigh skirt w/ purple blouse with considerable amount of cleavage showing, purple summer dress, tank top with tight pants that shows her curvaceous features). Ino then does starts to do some provocative things to excite Naruto such as intentionally dropping a bunch of paperwork so she could bend down and pick them up so Naruto could stare at her ass or providing him tea/cofee as she bends forward so Naruto could stare at her cleavage.

After a couple more days, Naruto sexual lust is through the roof and the temptation becomes too much to handle. Then the inevitable happens, As Ino is ready to collect some paperwork from Naruto she "accidentally" slips and before she hits the ground, Naruto quickly comes over and grabs her. Naruto is still holding her as they lock eyes and the sexual tension heightens. Naruto then makes the first move and starts to kiss her and they begin to have sex on Naruto's desk.

The day after Naruto begins to feel massive regret over what he did and feels guilty that he had cheated on his wife. He does not come to his office for a couple of days fearing that he would see Ino. But he begins to have dreams at night of him and Ino and the fact that he still hasn't been satisfied sexually and isn't going to be getting any soon from Sakura forces him to continue the affair with Ino.

The affair continues on even months after Sakura's child is born. Naruto is still in infatuated with Ino and is very content in having a mistress while keeping it a secret from Sakura. Naruto then starts to become fearful when his wife begins to catch on to his affair with Ino. After a couple of circumstances Sakura catches Naruto and Ino in the act of cheating. Naruto is shocked and becomes regretful again and fears that his marriage with Sakura is going to end.

Surprisingly, Sakura does not get angry at him but instead blames herself for this happening since she realized that the pregnancy drifted Naruto away from her due to their lack of sexual activities. She allows Naruto to continue his relationship with Ino while stating that she is still the Hokage's wife and will be the dominant female in the newly expanded household. Ino also eventually becomes pregnant with Naruto's child some time after the conflict is settled and that's the end of the story.

Other Requirements

-This is a story only between Naruto, Ino, and Sakura. You may include other female characters as Naruto's mistress only when the Naru/Saku/Ino storyline concludes. see the Optional story arcs

-Story should at least include a lemon describing the initial starting of the affair between Ino and Naruto on his desk. Another lemon between Naruto and Ino continuing the affair that illustrates Ino's satisfaction which includes some dirty talk that Ino that says how she is a much better lover than Sakura while building up Naruto's ego. And one final threesome between Naruto, Ino, and Sakura.

-Story does not have to be a massive one-shot, in fact, I encourage you to break it up into multiple chapters that builds up the initial tension between Naruto and Ino before they start the affair.

-I do not want the affair to start on day one but instead is one that builds up over a number of days which is the whole point of Naruto's struggle with temptation.

-No hint of bashing of any characters please. The only cases that I allow this is when Ino is talking dirty when she's having sex with Naruto and is trashing Sakura only to show some superiority in the bedroom. Or in the optional arcs where a situation such as Temari is married or is with Shikamaru and Naruto steals her away from him and is insulting his manhood due to Naruto's inflated ego.

-There is no break-up/divorce between Naruto and Sakura since the whole point is for Naruto to become an alpha male with a massive ego who has the support of a wife that let's him do immoral things like commit infidelity.

Character Requirements/Details

Now some details that I want for the characters.


-Naruto is a caring husband who is committed to his wife but has flaws and gives in to temptation due to the circumstances of his need of sexual satisfaction

-Naruto sees Ino as only a good lay but as the affair goes on starts to appreciate her personality and character and begins to fall in love with her

-Naruto's ego begins to expand as his lovemaking with Ino is described as being the best thing to ever happen to her and the fact that Sakura allows is to happen only further expands it.


-Don't make this into a Sakura bashing fic. She loves Naruto dearly and only acts haughty in this fic because of her pregnancy mood swings

-One of the reasons she doesn't get mad at Naruto for having an affair is because she loves him too much and believes he deserves whatever he wants

-She still becomes the dominant woman even though she allows Ino to sleep with Naruto


-Ino volunteered to become Naruto's secretary in order for him to have more time with his pregnant wife

-Ino secretly has a crush on Naruto and has a very flirty/teasing relationship with Naruto

-Ino does not loathe/hate Sakura(they are best friends) but is very envious of her because she's with Naruto and expecting a child with him

-Ino is not in a sexual or romantic relationship with anybody because she only has eyes for Naruto

-Ino becomes pregnant with Naruto's child some time after the conflict is settled

Optional Story Arcs if you want to continue the story

Ninja Harem Arc

-After the Naru/Saku/Ino arc is over Naruto ego is so big he decides he wants to satisfy more women

-Harem should not be massive, only keep between 3- 6 females for him to become his permanent mistresses

-None of the women are in a relationship in the story when they become Naruto's mistress

-List should include only canon Naruto Konoha kunoichi characters such as







-Other Konoha kunoichi canon characters

-Other females character from other villages are allowed, but cannot be too obscure, such as





Wife Stealer Arc

-Naruto starts to have affairs with his best friends' wives

-Only canon female characters

-Examples such as taking Temari from Shikamaru or Hinata from Kiba

-If you want to write this optional story arc do not include a Male OC as the husband, as I want it to be someone from the series.

-Eventually the stolen wife becomes pregnant with Naruto's child and forces their husband to raise the baby while Naruto gets off scot-free.

Power Hungry / World Domination Arc

-Very extreme optional arc where Naruto decides he needs to expand his power due to his ego and decides to impregnate every single hot female cast in Naruto Universe

-You can include ANY Naruto female character in the series. Canon and non-canon.

- No futa or genderbender, or other Alternative genres of that sort (Applies to all the optional arcs, including main story)

If you have any other ideas for an optional arc please PM and I'll take them into consideration.

If you have any other questions or concerns about the request/challenge feel to free to ask them here. Also if anyone reading this might know someone who would love to do write this story feel free to pass this story along to them and to contact me if they decide to write the story and also need anymore information. Thank you for anyone reading this and I hope someone is able to tackle this Fic Request/Challenge.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow this request is pretty big. I don't think someone can or want write something like this anymore for free. Unfortunately, authors are now doing paid commissions more frequently than ever. This means that the chances of this request and many others might never get written. Don't give up though, this request seemed well thought out and I would personally like to see this story get done as well. Try posting this on other sites and message boards. You might find a writer who is willing to interested in it. Good luck on getting your story made.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Blastronimcal

Now that I look at this again after three months of posting this, I really regret making this request. If a mod out there can please delete or close this thread I would really appreciate it.

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  • 2 months later...

This seems like a great idea for a fic but this request is too detailed man. You should've excluded all that extra stuff out. The challenge is good in itself so next time just include that first part.

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