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Hey to the AFF community, I figured I'd shamelessly promote my own work, as I'm proud of the first chapter, and could use some reviews to spark further chapters

First Chapter is already posted, Second is about 1/3 done

Title: Fire Emblem: Sacean Nights

Author: Anonelbe

Rating: Adult ++

Summary: After a botched Teleportation spell, Lyn shows a more lustful side towards the women of Fire Emblem 7 though 9. Crossover between FE 7, 8, and 9.

Feedback: Wanted, Needed, etc

Pairings: Lyn/Various Female Characters, Lyn/Mark (Male Tactician), Various hinted others

Fandom: Fire Emblem, to be more precise, Fire Emblem 7 (The Blazing Sword), 8 (The Sacred Stones), and 9 (Path of Radiance)

URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600082628

Again, thanks for reading my shameless promotion, and leave a review if you liked it


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