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Teen Titans competition to win a free slade doll!

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Guest Kazhiru

I ALSO HAVE ANOTHER NOTE! I WILL REWARD MY FANS FOR BEING ABLE TO STICK UP WITH THIS FOR ALL THIS TIME! How you ask? Well, You can enter a competition in one or both of the two categories! I have a SLADIN WRITING CHALLENGE! and a SLADIN ART CHALLENGE! The theme is free, but Mentioning TYM gives you points! So any SLADIN work is welcome! The participating entries will not be rated by quality or quantity, but about the thought of the work. I will judge them according to the message, plot, or feeling that the story brings. Everything is allowed from angst to romance. from k rated to M/E/MA. No previous experience is needed. So no, you don't need to be neither Picasso or a Shakespeare, it's the thought that counts. You CAN ENTER BOTH but you can ONLY WIN ONCE! so entering both gives you twice the chance of winning! Once you finish your entry, email it (or email a link of it) to me at also Include a way of contacting YOU in case you win the price! AND WHAT IS THE PRICE you ask? THE PRICE IS TWO(2) PERSONALLY HAND CROCHETED BY ME SLADE DOLLS COMPLETELY FREE OF COST AND EVEN THE SHIPPING WILL BE PAID BY ME! One of the dolls is a price for the best fanfic of the category, and the other is for the best fanart of the category! One person CANNOT win both, since you can be a victor in only one category, but you CAN enter both and increase your chance of WINNING! THE COMPETITION WILL END A WEEK AFTER THE LAST CHAPTER OF ALL 28 CHAPTERS OF TYM IS PUBLISHED!!!

AND HERE YOU CAN SEE THE PRICES! http://justawind.deviantart.com/art/Slade-dolls-346290286

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