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I just got off the phone with my cousin and had to share this story with my friends here at AFF. Now, this is not a rant about the evils of guns, but after said cousin got shot by his abusive ex-boyfriend, I agree with Eddie Izzard: "The NRA says that 'guns don't kill people, people do" but I think that the gun helps." Anyway. This happened in Japan, my cousin was getting groceries and was in his car in the parking lot of the grocery store when some asshole with a gun tried to steal his car. Fortunately, this guy was also an idiot and didn't move when my cousin was getting out of the car, so my cousin took the guy out with the car door. This reminds me of that story about the idiot bank robbers who got stuck in the revolving doors and the police had to help them out. A tip to people trying to steal cars with the owners still in them: don't stand near any part of the car that can hurt you. Hell, to be perfectly safe, don't steal cars to begin with! After my cousin came home and called me about this, we ended up talking about that scene in scream with that girl from charmed and how she took out ghost face with a freezer door. Why don't people think of things like that in horror movies? I think that she should have lived for that move alone. I also think that my cousin deserves to have some sort of half assed black belt for managing to swing open the door to a jaguar hard enough to give a guy a concussion.

"The NRA says that 'guns don't kill people, people do" but I think that the gun helps."

Of course guns kill people. that's what they are manufactured to do, but the problem exists with the dumb ass who uses it illegally. I'm a member of the NRA, i own three guns and intend to get plenty more. I have a concealed weapons permit and i carry a firearm on me at all times but i have never done anything illegal with it. Banning guns doesn't stop criminals from having them, as evidenced by the fact that your story occured in japan. Legal gun ownership in japan is all but compleatly illegal, yet criminals still get them. All that banning guns does is ensure that people who actually FOLLOW the laws are unarmed and does nothing to stop a criminal.

As for your story, its a good thing small time criminals tend to be idiots... glad your cousin is okay.


I was raised around guns. I was taught gun safety at an early age. One of my uncles used to take me bird hunting with him and he even taught me how to load a gun. Not being stupid.... I listened to him and didn't go running out in front of him with a loaded rifle. I saw first hand what a bullet could do to a pheasant, and I wasn't inclined to believe that I was somehow invincable and the bullet wouldn't do the same to me.

I'm not a big fan of guns, but I agree with PorkChop. Making guns illegal only ensures that law abiding citizens won't have them. Criminals will just get them illegally. Seriously, what do they care if they break one more law???

I can see it now.... Someone doesn't know what to do because he wants to murder six people, but he can't buy a gun because it's illegal and he doesn't want to break the law...


Guns scare the crap out of me. Handguns anyway. I'm in Canada, so it's difficult for regular citizens to have handguns and generally only police have them. I'm from Northern Ontario originally, so I've seen plenty of hunting rifles, but that's about it.


I think that more should be done to see that psychos, such as my insane ex-fiance, never get a hold of guns, and any guns they have should be taken away.

Guest Monsterking

did i just here you right? did an car door actually take out someone with an gun? thats an new one....


that was my thought, except I remembered that the last time my cousin was pissed off, he slammed a door so hard that the glass broke, so it's not impossible. I think that guns are like drugs or anything else, if someone has the means, they can get it. However, by making them illegal, there is still a percentage of people you are taking guns away from. I know a lot of people who don't do drugs just because they are illegal. If marijuana was legal, my sister would be all over it in a second. I mean, there are a lot of people who hide guns from their children, but their kids end up blowing their brains out anyway. I'd like to think that if guns were illegal, some of those parents' kids would still be alive. Just a thought.

I was raised around guns. I was taught gun safety at an early age. One of my uncles used to take me bird hunting with him and he even taught me how to load a gun. Not being stupid.... I listened to him and didn't go running out in front of him with a loaded rifle. I saw first hand what a bullet could do to a pheasant, and I wasn't inclined to believe that I was somehow invincable and the bullet wouldn't do the same to me.

I'm not a big fan of guns, but I agree with PorkChop. Making guns illegal only ensures that law abiding citizens won't have them. Criminals will just get them illegally. Seriously, what do they care if they break one more law???

I can see it now.... Someone doesn't know what to do because he wants to murder six people, but he can't buy a gun because it's illegal and he doesn't want to break the law...

my cousin brian killed eight people with a baseball bat... >.> I am so glad I'm adopted. you can kill anyone with anything as long as you have the imagination, a bit of luck, and some basic knowledge of biology. Or you're just plain fuck crazy. But, at least law abiding citizens won't have guns, that something at least. It's the same thing with drugs and exotic animals, just because something can be attained does not mean that it should be legal. Rifles are one thing, but guns that were designed with the single purpose of killing another human being shouldn't be sold. I'm not a pacifist, I just think that it's really scary how people legitimize gun use as a good thing.

my cousin brian killed eight people with a baseball bat... >.> I am so glad I'm adopted. you can kill anyone with anything as long as you have the imagination, a bit of luck, and some basic knowledge of biology. Or you're just plain fuck crazy. But, at least law abiding citizens won't have guns, that something at least. It's the same thing with drugs and exotic animals, just because something can be attained does not mean that it should be legal. Rifles are one thing, but guns that were designed with the single purpose of killing another human being shouldn't be sold. I'm not a pacifist, I just think that it's really scary how people legitimize gun use as a good thing.

It absolutley is a good thing. Ever had a couple guys come at you in a dark parking lot? I have. I didn't have to pull my gun b/c the situation got diffused, but i sure was happy to feel the weight of that thing on my hip. I also had a car full of dumb ass hicks start menacing me one time at a stop light. I ignored them and they lost interest, but drunken idiots do stupid shit. Again, I was really fucking happy to have my gun on me at the time. Police officers simply can't be everywhere at once, all it takes is a few seconds for a situation to get bad. Who would you rather see go down? a law abiding but defenseless citizen, or some ass hole criminal who exists as a drain on society?

Why are rifles any different? The guy that shot up the university of North Texas used a rifle, the dumb ass emo kid who shot up that mall in nebraska(?) used a rifle.


I think the problem is that the cause is ingored in favor of blaming the tool. If a gun is used for murder, then it's likely one of two ways: a crime pf passion, or a premeditated act. Either way, if you remove the gun the killer is going to find someway to act. How many stabbings are there, because someone reached for a kitchen knife? How hard is it to manufacture an explosive? Guns just get the blame, because there is no way to predict what will make someone snap.

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