Lyran Posted February 25, 2014 Report Posted February 25, 2014 Decided to move my reviews for a Heat to Overcome to the forum since there are so many and my replies are often a bit long, lol. So, here we go Clearly - Lol, could be. I'm just trying to keep it pretty separate and less refined than the way Sesshomaru speaks, make sure there's definitely a difference there. Well, the long wait is over for the moment, so on to the next chapter! kyoko21 - Yes, I love that part!! Such a happy ending for that chapter, right? So glad you liked it and thanks so much for leaving a review! Anon - I quite like vicious Inuyasha, too. Don't worry, though, you'll get to see more of him as we go on. Possibly, but Sesshomaru doesn't want him to rely on his youki too much at the moment given he still has the subjugation beads around his neck. For the hunt, it was simply because it was their first hunt together and he wanted Inuyasha to have the full experience that most inu youkai have. And yes, Inuyasha facing up to the slavers won't be for a little while yet. Thanks for the review. Hope you like the next chapter just as much! Merely Truth - Thank you for reading my story and enjoying it. I love hearing what my readers think. I am still sick, unfortunately, so updates may not be coming quickly, but they will be coming more quickly than this chapter, lol. Don't worry, I am definitely finishing it. It's my baby, I could never abandon it. Thanks for the reviews and for your concern for myself and the progress of my story, makes me feel so loved - in more ways than one. midnightsscream - I know, you wouldn't think it of the 'icy daiyoukai' but he's secretly a romantic, lol. So happy to hear you liked the chapter. Hope you love the next one just as much!! MoonlightVampiress - Always enjoy your long and detailed reviews, whether or not they make me question your sanity, lol. Ha ha, yeah, Bishamon really didn't seem that type. I decided to throw a bit of twist in there, though. I actually really like the dominants who seem like they'd be more gentle during sex, but are actually quite rough - in a good way Lol, well, I'll let you borrow him, but only for a bit cause I need him in this next chapter ... oh wait, you had him for quite some time, didn't you? Considering I was sick and all that. Never mind. *holds out hand* Give him back. Right now. Ha ha! Now now, let's not go killing off the people we don't like. They're a part of the story, too. Besides, I have a few - minor - plans for Saniiro yet. Glad you like that Inuyasha's getting back some of his old attitude, but that you also recognize that he's growing and maturing. Yes, Suzu is just awesome. He's definitely my favorite OC. Inuyasha is getting better, slowly but surely, and will continue to do so, though there will definitely be some setbacks along the way. I loved writing the hunting trip. It was so fun and just full of instinct and description and shows the bond between alpha and submissive in a more natural setting. Yes, I agree, Inuyasha was totally right to bite him. Sesshomaru really needs to just let him talk sometimes rather than jumping in with what he thinks is being said. But that's Sesshomaru, a narcissistic ass, as Inuyasha likes to call him. I was sooooo, so, sooooooo excited to have that kiss in the ending of the chapter. It was like ... Wooosaaaah!! Take that, Sesshomaru!! Lol. Yes, Bishamon and Fuyuki have their relationship worked out, for now, and Inuyasha and Sesshomaru did share a kiss, so that's good, and you kidnapped Suzu for all that time I was away, so yep, all is good ... not! *holds out hand again and makes a gimme gesture* Seriously, I need Suzu for the next chapter. Give him back. RukiRomance - Awwww, thanks so much! I'm so happy to have a new reader Thank you for the review and I will try my best to not have such a long period of waiting as I work on the next chapters. Arbutus1226 - Lol, I think a pregnant Inuyasha would be cute. There'll be some surprises before then and during the pregnancy, though ... *evil laughter* Thanks for the review! welldisguisedfreak - Yay! So happy to hear you're enjoying my story and thanks for leaving a review! I adore hearing what new readers - and old readers, really, all people who read my story - have to say. Thank you for all the compliments on my portrayal of the characters as well as my work with my OCs. I try to flesh out the characters and their backstories as much as I can. Suzu's beau is going to be a secret until he actually appears. As for Shippo ... well, haven't really decided yet. Ha ha, the proposal was fun to write. Again, thanks for the review, hope you enjoy the next chapter! Nikkie23534 - I'm back, I'm back, I'm really back!!! I'm so happy to hear you'd been re-reading it. It reassures me that my writing is good Thank you so much for the encouragement and understanding. I am still sick, but I think I'll be able to write a little more regularly again, though updates may still be somewhat slow - just not as slow as this chapter. cattib - Thank you so much for that encouraging review. I did stop for a while, but only until I was able to get things together a bit better. I'm still sick, still struggling, but I'm getting back into my writing. I'm so grateful for the offer to talk with you and will certainly keep it in mind elspethsheyna - Yay, another new reader!! I love having new readers, especially since I've just not been doing so well and had to quit writing for a while. I'm back now, though, so updates will be coming. Likely not as fast as people would like, but I'll do what I can to keep them going. Hope you read and enjoy chapter twenty-three!! Arlena - Thank you!!! SesshomaruFreak - Yes, as smart as Sesshomaru usually is, he's a bit thick when it comes to his own feelings, lol. I'm glad it didn't feel like it cut off out of nowhere ... though some of my other readers might argue with that, ha ha! But, there is still more to come. Hope you continue to read and enjoy the story, and thanks for the review!! So happy to have you among my readers! Thank you, each and every one of you, for all your reviews, your comments, your encouragement, your love, well wishes, and support! It really helped me through my bad times and I am sure they'll continue to help as I keep writing. Best of wishes and lots of love. Until next time, my lovelies!! Quote
Lyran Posted July 12, 2014 Author Report Posted July 12, 2014 Okay, I'm finally able to get to replying to all your wonderful reviews so, without further ado, here we go! Elken - I'm happy to hear that you're enjoying it and I hope that you'll continue to enjoy my story as you read on! MoonlightVampiress - Haha, thank you for giving Suzu back for a while, and I'll question your sanity as I like, thank you very much. After all, you're the one stealing my character, lol. Then again, you could very well question my sanity, too, given I let you take my character, so I think we're pretty well even. You'll be happy to know you can hold onto Suzu for a bit longer while I focus more on Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. Just don't get too comfortable with him I will need him again. I'm glad you approve of the maturing Shippo. I haven't actually figured out who I'm pairing him with yet, so that's still up in the air. Awww, well, I can't say that doesn't flatter me that you like Suzu better than even the two main canon characters. If there's a way to branch off with Suzu when this story is over, I may just do that. You're right, he's an addictive character ... even to me, and I'm the one who created him!!! How crazy is that?? Nope, you can't kill characters you don't like. A lot of people don't like her right now, but I think what most people are forgetting is that she's being manipulated. I mean, yes, there's a portion there that's still her - childish, selfish little chit that she can be - but, even so, it's not all her fault that she's acting the way she is in these chapters. Besides, I still have plans for her. I know, I'm terrible, aren't I? If she does end up being killed by someone, though, it definitely won't be Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, or Kouga. I just don't think it'd work well for any of those three to kill her. Sesshomaru ... well, I might be able to work that to where Inuyasha would forgive him, but it would probably still set things back. I don't know. So far, though, I don't have any plans to kill her off. Kouga and Rin would definitely be an interesting pairing ... I've certainly not read many fics with those two together. We'll have to see how the plot unfolds and what the characters decide. Don't think I make the whole story! I just map out the plot points and the characters take it from there, so a good bit of the time, even I don't know what's going to happen. Lol, you're very imaginative when you're trying to kill off a character you don't like Unfortunately, it is not Kagome's time. Kumiko, though ... oh, she's definitely going to die. Not right away, but soon enough, as is her mate, have no fear of that. As for Michio ... well, you'll just have to wait and see if he continues to lay low or decides to come out and wreak some havoc. Now you don't have one, but two chapters to read! Hope you like them, even though the second one is quite heartbreaking ... but I hope you like it in an emotional rollercoaster, sad, horrifying, but still intensely awesome kind of way. If that makes any kind of sense, lol. Looking forward to hearing from you again!! Arbutus1226 - Oh, don't worry, there will be more of the Sesshomaru killing perfection awesomeness coming up. Perhaps not soon, but it will happen. You are correct there; she is just a pawn. So happy you love it and I hope you also enjoy the next two chapters! Nikkie23534 - Thank you, I'm glad you like my explanation. Seemed to make sense to me. Oooh, she's not as stupid as she seems right there when she's freeing Kumiko. Yes, she is making a bit of a fool of Kouga at the moment, but don't forget that she's not doing it all of her own free will. She's being manipulated. Good to hear you liked the chapter, hope you also enjoy the next ones! Kit-kit - Glad to hear it! Please enjoy the next chapters! arianauchiha23451 - Wow, thank you so much for the compliment! It's wonderful to know that my fic is able to keep your attention, and I hope it can continue to keep your attention as the plot moves onward. It is my pleasure to add you to the e-mail update list I will keep updating as often as I am able and I hope you enjoy the next chapters. Shelly_Webster - This story will not be abandoned, that I can promise you without reserve. There may be long pauses between updates due to fluctuations in my health and it might take some time before I'm able to complete the story, but I will never abandon it. It would simply go against who I am as an author. Thank you for hanging in there, for reading my story, and leaving a review. It makes me so happy to hear that you adore Suzu He's really the first OC of his type that I've written, so he's a completely unique characters among all my other OCs. I'm rather proud of how well he's turned out and how well received he seems to be among my readers. Thank you again, and I hope you enjoy the next chapters! maen chavarria - It is my pleasure to add you to the e-mail update list and you will receive an e-mail as soon as I've posted a new chapter. It always makes me smile to know there are people out there who enjoy my writing, so thank you for reading and for leaving a review. Please enjoy the next chapters! SoulMore - Happy to hear it! Hope you continue to read and enjoy the chapters There we are, my lovelies. I know, it's a bit late, but it's there now. So happy to have all these wonderful reviews and hear what all of you have to say about what you're reading. I sincerely hope you continue to read and enjoy my fic as the plot moves on. As always, I thank you all most humbly for your patience and ask that you continue to have patience with me while the doctors try to get everything figured out. Until next time! Quote
Lyran Posted September 29, 2014 Author Report Posted September 29, 2014 All righty, then. *raises sword above my head* To the reviews!! MoonlightVampiress - Why thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself with Suzu. Take your time with him, at least for this next chapter, cause it's focused entirely on Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. But I will need him back eventually, so don't get too comfortable. Oh, I have lots in store for Inuyasha's improvement in the progression of the plotline. His heat, especially, is going to act as both a hurtle for him and a moment of growth away from his trauma of his time with the slavers. Haha! I'd love it if there was a Suzu fangirl shirt! That would be epic Well, there are always complications and Sesshomaru has issues controlling his anger when it comes to Kagome since he sees her both as a rival for Inuyasha's affection and as a possible threat. It is sad that Inuyasha had to put on such a display of utter submission to pull Sesshomaru out of his anger, but it just goes to prove what he realized in their father's den - that he's in love with Sesshomaru. Lol, the punch Inuyasha gave Sesshomaru made me laugh, too. And Suzu just loves it when Inuyasha shows that kind of spunk toward "The Great Sesshomaru, Lord of the West." I know, it's horrible. Made me sick just thinking about it. But I already knew it was horrible. They have to be horrible people to enslave others, break their spirit and their pride, and then sell them to other people who might be just as horrible as they - or worse, if you can imagine that. You'll just have to wait and see if anything comes of Inuyasha's outburst of what happened to him when he was with the slavers - besides what has and may yet happen between him and Sesshomaru, I mean. Given they are going to be attempting a soul mating, it'll be fairly complicated and include a ritual to bind their souls together, so it won't happen right away. Lol, I generally go for a dominant Sesshomaru, but under the right circumstances and in the right kind of story with an epic plotline, I'll read uke Sesshomaru, too. Just depends on how the author decides to portray him. Oh, I've been questioning your sanity long before now Do I really need your permission to do that? I've always said I'm quite insane, myself, though, so I suppose I don't really have room to talk on that count, lol. That outburst will certainly affect Inuyasha, but for the moment, he's just mortified that he revealed so much of what happened to Sesshomaru. He hates looking weak in front of him - mostly due to the disdain Sesshomaru used to hold for him as a "weak" hanyou. Thanks so much for reviewing! I always enjoy your reviews - they make me smile so much and just lift my spirits Have fun with Suzu for a little while longer (though, seriously, I will need him back later on) and I hope you enjoy this next chapter! Kit-kit - Thank you That makes me happy. Please enjoy the next chapter! Kaybop88 - I'm so happy to hear you're enjoying it! Next update will be up shortly, so please do enjoy that chapter, as well. solitare1 - Glad to hear you love my fic I don't have a set schedule for updates due to my health, but I will add you to my e-mail update list so you'll get an e-mail as soon as I've posted a new chapter. I know what you mean about authors not finishing their stories, though. It's really sad. I've read several that just suddenly stop, sometimes at really awful points in the storyline, and I just hate it. I can assure you, though, that I will not abandon my story. Updates may take a long time in coming depending on how my health is affecting me, but I will do my best to keep them coming as quickly as I possibly can. Thanks for the review! omen - It would be my pleasure to add you to the e-mail list So happy to hear you're loving it and thanks so much for leaving a review! bibbiesparks - Of course you may be added to the update list. I'd be more than happy to add you to it so you can know right away when I have a new chapter out. Thanks for leaving a review! Britney N - Yay! Thank you for Loooooooovvving what's happening in my story and I hope you continue to Looooooooooooovvve it as it goes on! I will certainly be continuing Please enjoy the next chapter! SoulMore - Woot woot! Hope you like this next chapter! Lola - Happy to hear that you're loving it. I think Kagome's pissing off a lot of people, lol, but I have more plans for her that may or may not include her death. Next update will be up shortly, please enjoy! lilally - Glad you think so. Hope you enjoy the next chapter. Given Inuyasha's and Sesshomaru's state of mind in this next chapter, though, it will likely not be as awesome as other scenes between them were/will be. I promise, though, more sexiness is coming. Thanks for the review! Jie - Thank you! Happy you're enjoying it. For the moment, Sango and Miroku are pretty well out of the loop concerning Kagome, though they do suspect there's something off about her behavior. You'll see more of their state of mind concerning her, though, in a while. Probably not for a few chapters, but it'll be there. Sesshomaru is a naturally dominant, aggressive-type inu. He just doesn't want to worsen Inuyasha's trauma. That will likely change later on as their relationship progresses and Inuyasha's mental and emotional scars heal from his captivity with the slavers. If Inuyasha was never captured, tortured, and raped by the slavers, he would certainly be a more aggressive bed partner - just look at the way he fought and acted before the slavers got him. Right now, he's just afraid and uncertain. He is not naturally the type to just lay back and let his partner do all the work, dominant or not. He's not a passive lover. It's just not in his nature. Just like it's not in his nature to wait for someone to attack him first. If he knows they want a fight, he charges right in. That's a good indication of what he'll be like in bed when he becomes less afraid and more comfortable with his relationship with Sesshomaru. And I've told you too much already No more. My lips are sealed! Wow, 7th time?! *blushes* You flatter me. Really hope you enjoy this next chapter!!! Naomi Flemings - Thank you! I'll try to keep updating as quickly as I can. Please enjoy the next chapter! Ebonyheart - That makes me so happy to hear you're loving my fic so much! Inuyasha is healing, it'll just take a while. The scars will always be there - trauma like that is not something a person can forget unless they get amnesia (and that's just not going to happen). But I promise, he will get better, he will heal, he'll just also have those emotional scars to deal with, and Sesshomaru will be there to help him with that. Kagome's fate is a secret I intend to keep a secret, so whether she dies or whether she doesn't ... you'll just have to wait and see. I know, mean, right? But I'm the author, I get to be mean if I want to be Where it concerns writing and keeping secrets in my plotline, in any case. Oh! I know what you mean! I hated that part in the third movie, too! Why did she have to put it back on?! WHHHHYYYYYYYYY???????????? I completely agree with you about a collar being a collar. Kouga would certainly be depressed if Kagome were to die or if someone were to kill her. It'd take a long time for him to get over it. Despite the way he acts and talks about his feelings and her sometimes, he does love her and wants to be with her. Thank you so much for the review and I hope you enjoy the next chapter!!!!! Well, that's it for now my lovelies!! As always, please enjoy the next chapter in my fic and thank you for your patience and understanding concerning the state of my health. You are all amazingly beautiful people in my eyes and I am so grateful to have such wonderful readers Quote
Lyran Posted April 8, 2015 Author Report Posted April 8, 2015 Hi everyone! Sorry for being MIA for so long. Sick, as usual, but I have a surgery scheduled for next week that will, hopefully - fingers crossed - help fix or at least make better some of my issues. Due to this being such a long story with a fairly complex plot, I've not been able to concentrate on writing it with all the pain and nausea I've got going on. That being said, I am re-reading it to remind myself of what happened and where I was going with it so I can, I hope, begin writing again after the surgery recovery period is over. Thank you all so much for your patience!!! Quote
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