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'Hoy everyone. I'm trying to get back into doing SOMETHING so I'm going to try and start working on and finishing my unfinished fics. just posted this one on here--though I have about 12 chapters written. I hope people go read it and enjoy it! It's one of my fave fics.

Title: Guradian

Author: Squall-sama

Rating: Adult++

Pairings: 1x4, 5x2/2x5, 3x?, 13x6... More in the future most likely.

Summary: The world is at war, started by the one known as Deathbringer. Reason: to obtain the 'Perfect Soldier' The Great General, Heero Yuy...

Feedback: YES PLEASE!!!! *BEGS*

Fandom: Gundam Wing AU

URL: http://anime2.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600021990

Thanks guys! Read and Review please! I would love that!


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