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Today is day 4 of my headache. Nothing I have tried has worked. My bloodsugar is so low my whole body is shaking, but I'm too nauseous to eat 98% of the time. My vision randomly get blurry...

I get these headaches sometimes, and lucky me they can last about a week. After day 2 I get very short tempered and snappy. I have fantasies about slitting someone's throat just to watch them bleed! I went to subway yesterday and there was this woman who was talking on her cell phone while her sandwhich was being made! I really wanted to fucking stab her...

It's a Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde kind of thing. I'll be my normal sweet self when the pain goes away. Until then I'll be wondering why I don't murder people that annoy me.

On that note... anybody happen to know any home remedies for bad headaches? I'll try anything at this point.

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I get excruciating migraines monthly. Latest one started yesterday, so I'm in for at least another week of hell. They last me no less than 7 days at a stretch. Now that I've gotten older, that is. It USED to be, that my headache FREE days were maybe 7 days out of a month. If I was lucky.

To quickly bring up your blood sugar, drink some orange juice. Having diabetics in my family, that's a very old trick that is used to bring UP the blood sugar when it crashes like that.

For headaches, I've tried all kinds of prescription stuff, and none of it has ever worked for me the way it's supposed to. So, I stay with the OTC stuff, particularly naproxen (Aleve). IT works better than the other stuff. It doesn't make it go away (NOTHING makes 'em go away), but it takes enough of the edge off the pain to make it so it's easier for me to deal with.

I also tend to have the muscle from my neck down to my tailbone get very tight and stiff from these as well. That just makes it hurt more. Some days it feels like one giant charlie horse. So, a hot soak to loosen up the muscles helps. Since the neck area gets particularly tight, my mom told me one of HER old tricks to help loosen all that up and help provide a little relief. Take an old tube sock, put dried beans or rice in it and tie it off at the end. Microwave it for a minute or so, until it's as hot as you can stand it. Put it behind your neck and slowly roll your head from side to side. That loosens things up ALOT. Which helps.

Your best bet, of course, since you get these chronically is to see a doctor for them. Just because the prescription stuff doesn't work for mine, doesn't mean it won't for yours.

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Is it headache season? I ask this because I have had one for the past few days as well.

Since you know your blood sugar is low you might want to keep some glucose tablets around, not the best way to keep it straight, but maybe it will help enough to let you eat something.

Prescription meds don't work on me, oddly enough Excedrine Migraine does... esp if I top it off with a benadryl... then again with that combo maybe it works cause it knocks me out. :) *hugs* Good luck not killing idiots and getting rid of your headache.

(Ack just remembered something from Massage School... *oi give me a break it's been 9 yrs since I had that class*) If you have someone there with you, or can get someone over to your place, have them take a towel or pillow case, roll it up, then place it under your neck, you relax while they pull it up and away from you slowly.

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Since regular asprin wasn't doing much I went and got excedrin extra strength. We'll see if that at least takes the edge off. I already tried a hot bath because my shoulders are tense. It helped my shoulders... but not the headache.

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Today is day 4 of my headache. Nothing I have tried has worked. My bloodsugar is so low my whole body is shaking, but I'm too nauseous to eat 98% of the time. My vision randomly get blurry...

I get these headaches sometimes, and lucky me they can last about a week. After day 2 I get very short tempered and snappy. I have fantasies about slitting someone's throat just to watch them bleed! I went to subway yesterday and there was this woman who was talking on her cell phone while her sandwhich was being made! I really wanted to fucking stab her...

It's a Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde kind of thing. I'll be my normal sweet self when the pain goes away. Until then I'll be wondering why I don't murder people that annoy me.

On that note... anybody happen to know any home remedies for bad headaches? I'll try anything at this point.


I had killer migraines twice a month when I ovulated and when I got my period for years. They lasted three to six days and then there was the recovery period. I ended up having to leave my job before I was fired for losing too much time. My doctors had me trying every drug on the market that had any history of helping migraines and nothing really worked. Cafergot would have an effect if I could take it soon enough, but most of my headaches came on full blast without warning. And like you, I wasn't fit to be around people.

I felt like banging my head against the wall because it would feel better than the headache did. I felt like there must have been a demon residing in my head who hated me and wanted to torture me just like Voldemort did in his connection with Harry Potter's scar.

I discovered that orgasm would help and so would chocolate, especially my favorite milk chocolate. Of course I became an orgasmic chocolate freak and my husband got a real workout. As I got closer to menopause the headaches lessened and Excedrin Migraine started to work for me. The Excedrin combined with the chocolate was a sure fire remedy by then. Once I started menopause the headaches went away completely. My doctor told me that happens for the vast majority of women and i consider it a benefit of getting older.

Anyway, my advice is to try chocolate and sex whenever you get a headache or feel one coming on. It worked for me and it might work for you, it certainly won't hurt you.


Trickie Woo

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