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In Circles


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Chapter 1 Reviews:


Fffff thank you so much <3. And yes, ten years :D… I think it is hard to believe, but I would be happy to show you the very first pieces I did of them when I was eleven XD. They’re absolutely horrible, but I still have them in a box in the closet. These guys are my babies. My freaking babies. I’m so happy you enjoyed it and I hope you continue to! And yeah, everything else I have posted is pretty old. I should delete them at some point, if I don’t end up too lazy. Plus Made of Glass is full of spoilers for this story. Well shit. Anyway, thanks so much <3. I loved receiving your review! (twas the first one I got, teehee.)


I know right? D:… when I first saw that someone rated it so low my heart sunk into the depths of the deepest abyss. I was like “WAT?” But I mean, looking back, yeah, the first few paragraphs and the intro in general are kind of awkward. I’ll have to edit those at some point, definitely in the touching up if not before then. I remember upon writing it I thought I was being oh-so-clever (not so much with the hair color, but with the coke thing) but looking back I see your point. I think at the time of writing this I’d been listening to waaaay too much of the Welcome To Night Vale podcast, and in that people are described in obscure ways (IE: The man who was not tall and the man who was not short.) Anyway, I appreciate the criticism, and I hope the next few chapters avoid this problem :D! And of course, I hope you continue to read and enjoy.


GRAH. I hate AFF for that. Do you understand? I am very upset that it ate your review. I totally wanted that review.

But I definitely appreciate so much that you re-wrote one for me despite it having eaten all your hard work. Even just a reader’s digest version xD.

Hahaha, like I told SweetSurrender, I thought I was being uber witty with that at the time. But now I realize it’s wordy and awkward, oops. Thanks for pointing that out again, though <3. Rare are the reviews where I actually get constructive criticism these days.

ROFL JENSEN ACKLES WAT. I’m not a fan of supernatural but it IS all over my tumblr dashboard all the time because I mean… it’s tumblr. So actually he probably did play a huge part in me having chosen that name. But this Jensen is kind of an asshole (and very minor, one of the few who I tossed in only recently for this adaptation of the story) so I’m not sure you’d want to associate him with the one who plays Dean.

ANYWAYS. YES. That was me. Omfg. I remember you too, by the way. I did as soon as I saw your name. It makes me so happy that you remember me just by a little piece of my name being there :D (and mayhaps my writing style? if it’s at all the same) I ran off to write some fanfiction for a while, but now I am ready to rejoin the world of original slash! Your welcome back is appreciated :D! (and terrific dshgsajfgafjgdying of blushes)


Super glad you can dig it! DIG IT! DIG IT SUPER DEEP UNTIL YOU CANNOT ESCAPE. AHAHAHAHA… mine was cornier. <3. Anyway, thank you!

Chapter 2 Reviews:


Thank you so much :D! Please enjoy!


Fugitive and Suspicions BOTH have a decent chance of getting re-writes sometime in the future. Probably not until after I've finsihed In Circles, because I'm trying to force myself to finish things and be responsible before trying to tackle something else. "A Fugitive and Me" (that was always the whole title, though I did always call it "Fugitive" xD...) especially is on my to-do-list, as it is actually a story that has been with me since I was in fourth grade (the characters weren't gay back then) and I've done about 5 or 6 re-write attempts so far since then. Basically, I'm really trying to finish all the things I started ages ago, even if it means starting all over again. Suspicions is kind of on the fence (Also, if I do re-write it, the new title is "Turning Tides") because it's a relatively new plot and new characters.

(General related note for anyone who read Love's Limits, which was actually my most frequently read story from back then, I will not be re-writing or updating it. The interest of the general idea for that story is lost on me now.)

And LOL I was Lepidottero (I changed the Tero to Zoro because One Piece) and SuperCheesepuff ;D. I am so fucking flattered by how well you remember me though like omfg.

"Why is Mike such an a-hole? Nah, I don't really care about that answer!"

AW! But that was my favorite question! ...Even though I don't actually know the answer. The guy is totally a plot device. I regret nothing.

AND YUP. Jason is short. Actually there are a lot of secret physical attributes to these characters ahahaha... only because I don't normally spend a lot of time describing appearance. Oops. Later I'll probably shit all over your visions of them by casually mentioning things about how they actually look. Oops. He's like 5'5 though, not TOO short, but short for a guy, you could say.

AND I DON'T KNOW! IS THE PRINCIPAL DOING THAT? IS HE? ;D.... We shall see <3. I adore your reviews and I hope you continue to like this story omfg ;o;.


Hrmmm... you might be right about the "too mature" thing... Tony's actually a pretty smart guy (even though he was totally a drunken moron in the first chapter) but at the same time, that line doesn't sound casual enough for a highschooler, you're right. I was never that socially active in High School so it's annoyingly hard to grasp how these sorts of people actually talk. I'll probably go back and read this chapter now, and notice a lot of other 'too proper' dialogue. Definitely something to think about in later chapters and during the edits. Thank you! (Shane is my absolute /baby./ He was the first character I ever introduced to myself out of this group, so I guess you could say I put a lot of thought into everything he does. So it's so fucking nice to hear that he comes across the way I want him to <3. Thank you!)

The perspective thing is hard to grasp when I'm re-reading my own stuff, but I think I get what you're talking about. I'll definitely try to avoid that in the future.

And thank you so so much <3. I love getting criticism, especially on specific bits, so please feel free to conitnue that. I hope I can improve and I hope you continue to enjoy this!


Ahaahaha! THAT IS SO ACCURATE ACTUALLY. "Everyone has a secret past life except Shane." Totally true story even before it's revealed. Thank you for reviewing!

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Chapter 3 reviews:

Sweet Surrender:

:D I DEFINITELY love getting criticism, particularly when the person its from also seems to care about reading and enjoying the story as opposed to just pointing out the flaws (versus those people that pop occassionally I swear just to nit-pick and probably because they don't like M/M couples.) I appreciate yours so much! And even more so that you've mentioned feeling that I've improved. Hopefully it is that and not just a case of me having my good days and my bad days, but hopefully this chapter will suggest an answer to that.

I'm so happy you like Shane! Everyone seems to whenever I do an adaptation of these characters, he's pretty popular. Keeee it makes me happy because he's one of my favorites too. Jason's a little more, I don't know, definitely deeper than Shane I feel. Shane has his dynamics and depth but he does have a much simpler life and background. I hope I can bring more out of them and that you'll grow to love 'em both :D. As well as a few other main characters that appear in the futures. I seriously love these guys to pieces I'll take any excuse to talk about 'em.


"So...Jason reminds Tony of someone Shane knew way back when? Six years ago or so? Noah?"


That's all you get, a winky face. Interpret is as you wish ;D.

Ahahaha I do usually shorten it to Lep or Lepid. Some people say Leps. Up to you, really :D. And happy late thanksgiving to you! <3.

And omfg I will definitely look at her stuff thank you so much for telling me O_O. I love her reviews and criticism as much as I love yours and and that's extremely exciting to mekjhdjsahdjhagdsjha freaking out. Thank yooou for saying so D:. I haven't been poking around for reading in the writing world as much as I used to but now I'll definitely check hers out on your trusted reccommendation!

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