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I have recently finished Chapter 8 of my story Bane of my Existence.

Story Details:

Title: Bane of My Existence

URL: http://rq.citadelofthewolf.com/viewuser.php?uid=1 (Must Log in first) or


Rating: Currently PG, Eventually it will be NC-17

Paring: Harry/Draco

Story Length: Now 8 chapters, though I only need the current chapter 8 done at the moment.

How often do I update: Not frequently. This will be the first time I have updated this year. I have a very strenuous job situation, and don't have as much energy to write as I used to. I do hope to get out chapter 9 and 10 by the end of the year though.

Beta Strengths Needed:

  • Punctuation is a must. (I am better at punctuation than I used to be, but still not great.)
  • Minor Grammar help
  • Plot and Characterization help a plus.
  • Brit-picking would be nice, but not required. (I do have my word set to UK, so it does catch quite a few of them)
  • Bouncing My Ideas would be a double plus. (I sometimes like to talk out my ideas to see if they should be used or not.)

Type of Criticism: I would like someone to be honest with me. If you think that something doesn't work, or sounds off, let me know. If you think one of my idea's stink, let me know too. I may just happen to agree with you if you explain it well enough.

Dream Howler

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