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Posted (edited)

Edit: This story was renamed to 'The Human Rayce!'

Which can be found here:


The Human Rayce is a first- person sci-fantasy set in the dystopian setting of Fade, where the human race has been brought to its knees by vampires. Told from the perspective of Rayce Gunner (because the title is not a typo ;D), the arrogant and terminally poly-amorous little brother of the last human military Commander. With an expansive cast (that seems to keep getting bigger no matter what I do...), THR gets its fingers in a lot of pies. Have fetish, will write :P

Anyway, reviews:

I really like this story! Interesting setting, hot sex (okay, some of the sex was not hot, it was like, torture, but I still found it interesting)... though there are some things I don't understand yet. What is Matteo? Was he actually voluntarily selling himself for money, even to those horrible general guys? Or was he pressured into doing something he didn't want to do? And if Rayce is in a relationship with him right now, are the generals leaving him alone? Also, I can't decide if Rayce is just a dom and only pushes his partners because he believes they want it that way, while caring about not hurting them, or if he's got a crazy rapist side just like his brother... Very interesting story though, I like every chapter! And speedy updates, wow, so awesome. Thanks!

Thanks Mist, for your thoughtful review and for being my first reviewer. I'll try to answer your questions satisfactorily. First of all, the specifics of Matteo's situation in the HQ will be elaborated on later but no, this is not something he started doing voluntarily. The rendezvous with the Generals is a bit of a rare event so he has breathing room in between. But certainly not due to his relationship with Rayce, which, is not even an official one in public view. As for your question about Rayce, that is something the story will develop on as it progresses. Dom with a heart or is he more cut out for the role of heartless Master? That's just something to wait and look out for. I'm glad you liked it. Some of the story is already written so I've been able to update quickly but... haha, I will try to keep it up :) Again, thank you for your review!

Woah. Interesting poker game. you have quite the imagination

kjasdf, I'm glad you liked it. It took me some time to work out the nuances of the game and the scene surrounding the game itself. It kinda makes me think they should find better things to do with their lives, though. :)

Edited by KassX
okay, random comment, but that line 'Bondage. Do me a favor and go find an imagination.'...actually had me laughing hysterically... anyways, really like this. moral ambiguity, weird fantasy world...very interesting. and quite interested to learn more about cisco. things seem...complicated :)

Thanks, awc, it's one of my favorite lines too :) I'm glad you like it and if things with Cisco seem complicated... it's because they are ;)

I am really liking this story. Thanks for the quick updates!

No problem, Jess. Thanks for reading and reviewing.

It looks like he may be losing control. He uses his chips on his prisoner (good thinking to have them on him at all times) and is to busy trying to break him to notice he lost the flags and then he over hears Finn - he seems to be off his game this chapter... Poor Matteo! Not only is he being held by Damon but then he has to look over and see Gunner with Finn's arms around him. I hope when the month is over that he gets the light back in his eyes.

Thanks for reviewing again, Jess! Yep, I'm glad that the gradual shift in Rayce's mindset is being carried across well. It was a pressure point that I was slightly worried about: the blurring of black and white into gray so I'm happy you noticed. As for Matteo, he's one of my personal favorites and I feel awful for him. But, well, I have to write a story here :D

once again you amaze me with your skills. i both hate and like the main character, which is so awesome. on one hand he's kind of horrible because he enjoys raping and humiliating other men, on the other hand he has motives/reasons (though not always justified) to be that way, cause if he didn't he'd probably be at the bottom of the food chain. also his narrative is kinda funny sometimes XD Like how he sort of seems to enjoy his spat with Damon, and finding crap under the sofa. it's all very refreshing despite the mean things he does to other people.

Thanks a lot! I'm actually really happy to hear you say that because that's exactly what I was going for. A main character you love to hate, hate that you love and laugh along with all at once ;) Thanks for reviewing.

Your story is absolutely cool !

I think Raice is just mislead, maybe addicted to gambling, else he wouldn't have a problem to recognize that he's in love with Matteo - and wouldn't ever have throw all the No. 1 chips into the pot.

But if I were in place of Raice now, I'd rip Damon's nuts off at the next oppurtinity. And a battlefield would provide an exellent opportunity for that...

Hey, Avatar Tingal, and thanks a load for your review. Rayce is indeed a little confused. He grew up in the gambling district of Clear and he's lived in his brother's shadow for a very long time. As for his hesitation to be with Matteo, it does stem from a deeper reason which will all be revealed in due time.

Haha, rip his nuts off? Not a bad idea at all :D

And yes, if nothing else I remembered at least the scene from the Lady and the tramp. LOL.

Poor Trent. At least Raice could make it clear to him now what‘s Finn‘s true nature. Maybe somebody ( Snow?) can provide Trent with regular shots of testosterone, so he can have at least a bit of fun. And somebody should kill this religious fanatics who emasculates babies.

And the the fighting scene! So great when Matteo came to resque Raice! Good thinking of Raice to shoot down the tree to kill the vamp.

Then Snow, haha! He‘s great! Raice thought he‘d got a good fuck for his chip and instead Snow took a sperm sample from him. I wonder what Snow‘s research ist about.

Then ALEX, the notorious pervert general of the forces came in (forced by Cisco) and pushed Raice far up the career ladder. ROFL, I bet Axel is now suffering from stomach ulcers!

Hi again, Tingal! I loved that movie when I was younger so I had to pay it some tribute. If in a very dirty way XD Strange religious traits are bound to pop up in a world full of men deprived of women, which is where the idea for Trent's community came up. I agree that even he should be able to have some fun, though!

I'm really happy you liked the fight scene, that was pretty fun to write. A good breather from sex.

Snow's one of my favorites (though, honestly, I like them all for some reason or the other)! He's fun to write as well so be sure that you'll see more of him in the next chapter.

Lol, Axel, but you can be sure that isn't the last we see of him...

Thanks for reviewing!

I love this story and I was just wondering, can I elope with it? I feel like a wedding ceremony would be far too complicated.

Weeell... Aww, how could I say no? I'm sure the two of you will be quite happy together XD

Thanks for reviewing!

Haha, Snow is great! Uses the sexy nurse outfit in the same way like pediatrist use inflated gloves with funny faces paint on them. And he gets more and more samples - even from an outraged Sylphos! (By the way, I can understand Sylphos - what medics did and still do to IS-people is a real dark chapter in the history of medical research, ranging from exploitation, abuse to brutal genital mutiliation)

But I hope Snow will listen to Raice‘s warning and doesn‘t get in trouble. And I wonder what Snow found in Raice‘s sperm...

And Alex - yes! More stomach ulcers for him! Who let the dogs out? LOL, I bet Raice‘s team will do a lot more than that. :-)). But what Alex said in chapter seven that was quite interesting. I‘ve got the impression that he actually loathes Cisco, taking orders from him only because of Cisco‘s a genius in strategy. My guess is that Alex is waiting until Cisco shows a weakness or he makes a mistake. Raice should be better doing an excellent job or his brother might be in big trouble.

Always good to hear from you, Tingal :D

Yeah, exactly! Nothing like a sexy nurse to coax one into a checkup... I'm glad you like the character. Sylphos actually has quite a story behind him and all will be revealed in due time. As for Axel, I can only commend you on your perception. For the sake of avoiding spoilers, I won't say much but you've made some very interesting predictions! ;)

Thank you for the shout-out, but your story‘s really great! So you can count me to your fanclub!

Wow, that was a lot of stuff happening in one single chapter! And Finn? Raice really wants Finn as his last team member? That was quite a surprise. I thought he would wait until Matteo‘s free again or he manages to kill Damon... But then again, Finn could become handy when Raice needs to distract his enemies inside Fade.

Like eg. Axel. Oh, that was a close call for Raice. The ruler would have killed him - a helluva way to die. Thanks Weiser Raice could escape - but the old officer seemingly can‘t keep Axel and his clique in line although he is higher in rank than them. And Cisno - well, Cisno = Axel‘s specimen? Seems he doesn‘t need to get in trouble, cause he is already in deep trouble!

Axel knows his way concerning drugs and I could bet he knows ways to change someone‘s personality by using them. At least this would explain what happened to Cisno. So Cisno might have use the last resort and fetched his unruly stubborn brother. Raice‘s story - hm - he killed that woman, but I wonder who was the one who was raped...

But well, Raice did a really good job with comforting Flaere, Jun and poor Sylphos. And I‘d love to see the baby of Raice and Sylphos. The Gunner temper mixed with Sterling‘s venom. LOL! That kid would make the vamps cry, that‘s for sure!

But for Snow...I‘d recomend a proper spanking until he learns what a scientist is allowed to do and what not, especially if the specimen are his team mates.

That's really good to hear! No problem, you've been really great.

Finn instead of Matteo, a strange decision indeed... ;) And yes! Axel + General + Cisco? What strangeness is afoot?! Never thought about it though, would the ruler have killed Rayce? I dunno but I doubt it would have been comfortable XD

Again, I have to avoid spoilers but you have interesting theories. Sometimes make me think about my own story from different angles so I appreciate that!

The baby of Rayce and Sylphos? Holy crap, that would be pretty fun to write. I was thinking more along the lines of Flaere and Sylphos though. Haven't decided but I think Sylphos needs a kid XD

Absolutely. Snow has no concept of boundaries!

Always good to hear from you, Tingal. Stay tuned for much conspiracy. I think you'll be surprised! ;)


Now I'm even more curious to read the next chapters...

But yes, I'm pretty sure that Raice wouldn't have survived the ruler (exept Axel would have brought him immediatly to the hospital, which I doubt). Strong internal bleeding and infectious material inside the abdomen are simply a fatal combination, especially if the surgeon can't see any wounds on the outside and has to cut open the abdomen completely to find out where the actual injuries are.

And I agree, on the long sight it would be good for Sylphos to have a kid. It would make him more comfortable with what he is.

But I'm sure that Sylphos will throw tantrums when he gets hormonal. Very noisy and violent tantrums :D . Extremely noisy and violent tantrums! Poor, poor Flaere! Sooo...

No way I want to influence your story, it's just an idea, but what about twins? Let's say Sylphos, Flaere and Raice have a threesome again... It's absolutely possible for fraternal twins to have different fathers...(and I'm sure, Snow would find out about that pretty soon). So Flaere wouldn't be the only one on the receiving end. :smartass: But well, like I said, it's just an idea of mine.


Oh ha, I didn't realize you had replied to this (stupid settings...).

Mmhm, that makes sense, particularly considering the walls of the colon do tear easily. Wow, what a crappy way to die XD Well, well, you seem quite versed with your med trivia! Indeed, I have heard of fraternal twins of different fathers. Although the chances of that are pretty remote in a practical context! But, hey, no telling what might happen. Either way I won't be leaving Rayce childless by the end of it... I have my ways ;)

Always did like the FlaerexSylphos pairing. Even though Sylphos would be carrying the babies, we all know who wears the pants in that relationship XD And with all those hormones? *shudder* wouldn't wanna be that guy.

And hey, I love your suggestions! Since I write this in installments, it's pretty flexible and hearing other points of view is helpful to the thought process :)

I'm sort of in love with this story. I really appreciate the time you take to update and the evolution of all the characters.

Rayce just makes me giggle at his obliviousness to whats going on around him.

This last chapter was just awesome.

So um… when do we get to see Axel getting pounded by Cisco? Can that be his punishment for trying to rape his baby bro? Pretty Please???

Hey, thanks for reviewing, raymareme :) I'm really glad you like the story!

Nymphomaniac was a fun chapter to write. I'm all about sex and action and you can't have too much of a good thing, right? ;)

Oh, Cisco? I think you guys are gonna be surprised. Stay tuned!

I am really loving this story! Can't wait for more!!!

Nice to see you again, Jess. Happy to hear it and thanks for reviewing! :D

Haha, no problem! Hmm. Just a thought...Could Raice‘s children have something to do with Matteo? He seems to know Snow for a longer time...

But the title of chapter ten was fitting in more than one way...*snickers*

Well, I guess now Raice knows the meaning of „pay-back“. At least his guys were nice enough to let him keep his v-card before they turned him into a living porch swing (with toys pre-installed) and all four of them made themselves comfortable on him. ROFL ! The injection was mean, but I guess, Raice somehow deserved it. It was just a bad timing.

And again Matteo saved Raice‘s ass. Without the salt, they wouldn‘t have had a chance against Undine. So, no salt fetish for Sylphos. :-))

But it was a good idea to sacrifice the artefact to free the Naiads. Not only that it was a good thing to do, but Raice will possibly have allies now in Decay and Axel didn‘t get his hands on the Tear of Undine - and the remains of the artefact are now around the neck of Matteo - who will undoubtely put it to good use.

Aaand finally Raice got back his Matteo. *smiling broadly* But I wonder what‘s going to happen now.

Wait and see! ;) And lol, that title would have worked just as well for any of the chapters!

Rayce didn't get anything he didn't deserve and it was fun giving the boys the reins for once ;) But on the plus side, being unconscious saved him from Undine's song! Yep, I wanted Matteo to save him without even being there XD

Absolutely, the loss of the Tear will have some very good and very bad effects in the near future.

*smiles back* Yeah, I was pretty happy, writing that. Matteo and Rayce have some great chemistry.

Always great to hear from you! :D

Posted (edited)
Thanks for the shout out!

Wow is all I can really say about this chapter lol. I miss Gunner's team and Matteo. I wonder why they all listen to Axel, especially Crisco? Crisco seems like he could kill Axcel in a moments notice so why doesn't he?

Keep up the good work!

It was my pleasure; always grateful to the reviewers :)

Haha, thanks, I took my time with this chapter. Incest is a touchy subject and I wanted to handle it as tastefully as possible. I didn't throw that in just for the sake of itself, after all, it's a major plot point :P Even though I feel terrible about it now XD

As for the team and Matteo, well they've not disappeared. But they'll be taking on some bigger fish from now on!

There is a reason for everything, trust me. I'm not that lazy author who leaves gaping plot wounds behind ;) Thanks for reviewing, Jess!

Noo. not Raice!e's brothe rapeped him.

Oh No, not Raice! A nd his only brother? So Cisno is really the slave of Axel ? Gaahhh, kill him !!!!

anger again!

What the hell did AFF with my review? And where is Matteo?

And Raice was raped just because Cisno is Axel's slave?

And these cracy Homo sapiens want poor Sylphos to change into a woman? No way!

And the plot thickens... I felt terrible writing that whole thing with Cisco and Rayce but, hey, I think it had the intended shock value so that's my payoff, I guess >.> Matteo is... well, that's another story for the next chapter!

Hm, well, Rayce was raped so they could add him to their breeding program! This is humanity's way of surrendering, if you will. And Cisco and Axel have quite a bit of history... all of which I will cover in due course. But of course, Rayce has not had his last word in the matter! ;) Thanks for reviewing, Tingal!

Edited by KassX
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
Wow! It's hard to hate Cisco with an ending like this. Why didn't he go with Rayce? I hope that he saves his team and they still like him after everything - to them he has abandoned them. I can't wait for more!

Happy Holidays!

Like I said, it was hard for me to antagonize Cisco in the previous chapter ^.^; He really does care about Rayce. Of course, there is a reason for everything: why he can't go with them, why he hasn't killed Axel before the story even begins... All in good time! :D As for the team, with a bunch of personalities like that, Rayce will have to work hard to keep in their good books. Now more so than ever.

Happy Holidays, Jess and as always, thanks for reading and reviewing!

Ah, there's Matteo! He's got the same type of moron as a father like Cisno and Raice!

But he should learn to take care of his husband/lover as soon as possible.

I really hope that Raice will be soon reunited with his friends.

And that they'll chop off the head of this mean Axel, who tries to fake the old Gunner to put both of his sons in misery!

But next chapter will be fun? :-)) I can't wait to read it!

Hey Tingal :)

Oh lol, no, that's not really Matteo (sorry if that wasn't made clear; that's a lapse on my part then). Khryss has a habit of changing forms; he's the Ebon equivalent of a moody human teenager. Matteo is very much human and we'll get to see him in chapter 13 ;) As for who Khryss is and how he knows so much about Rayce, that will be explained in the near future. But yes, he has a bit of a moron father XD

Axel will get what's coming to him eventually ;)

Much reunion, violence and sex ahead. Stay tuned XD

But in the meantime, I thought I'd write a fun Christmas-inspired bonus chapter based loosely on a bunch of Chrismtas carols. So look out for it!

Happy Holidays and thanks for reviewing! :D

Edited by KassX
Rofl, that chapter was fun !

But I'd like to say a few words to Raice. Raice, I don't like Xmas as well, but that was a great Xmas you've experienced!

First getting fucked by Sylphos (if only with a replacement dick) - and I'd bet that Flaere was all game for this from the beginning. :-)) Then you've played matchmaker for Finn and Trent (Ahem, you'd could gave Trent this strap-on Sylphos used - I mean poor Trent hasn't got anything to give to Finn)

And then, you and Matteo managed to reconcile the Northwind with the Ice-Queen - and resqued Fade from death by freezing.

Now, you and Matteo should get hot water bags for your poor crown jewels, drink some cocoa, heavily spiced with rum and enjoy the rest of the festivities!

Glad you liked it ;) It was fun to write too but exhausting! And so many Christmas puns I think I have to go shake tinsel out of my ears XD

I'm sure he'd agree with you! Although, seeing as the strap-on was double-sided, I'm not sure if it would have helped Trent at all... Still, even if Finn has been led astray now, he loved Trent for different reasons :)

The North Wind and Ice Queen were fun to write; hey, even immortals have domestic quarrels sometimes. I bet in a few decades they'll be at it again too.

And I'm quite sure that's what Rayce and Matteo did for the rest of that Christmas ;)

Merry Christmas, Tingal and, as always, thanks for reviewing!

  • 5 weeks later...
This story is an emotional rollercoaster. One moment it's hilarious, then its exciting, then its sad, then its scary, then its suspenseful, then its funny, and then the damn chapter ends and I come damn close to having a conniption waiting for the next one. Clearly you have this "author" business down to a science.

Hi, Arg the Pirate!

I'm really excited to hear you say that actually, because that was the intention! Thank you so much for reading and especially, reviewing. All authors thrive on feedback, after all, for better or for worse. :) I wish I could update more often but I have a lot of other things I work on and quality takes time. Although Sanguine holds a special place in my heart ^_^ Still, it's readers like you that motivate me to work harder, faster and better.

Oh, lol, down to a science? Haha, I can't take so much credit but thank you for making my day ;)

Stay tuned!

(Also, I just adore that username XD)

  • 2 weeks later...
I love this story! What's going on with Matteo?

Hey again, Jess, always nice to hear from longtime readers ^_^ Thanks for reviewing and I'm happy to hear that!

Matteo has not been a mute spectator, don't worry. You'll find out what he's up to very soon ;)

  • 2 weeks later...
Chapter 1-16. Woah. You've become my newest favorite author and Sanguine has become my newest favorite story.

Hey Sunao Tsuji!

That really means a lot to me; I know there are a lot of talented authors on AFF. So thank you so much for reading, especially for reviewing and I hope I can continue to deserve such high praise :)

  • 2 weeks later...

keep us posted!! I got used with a release once every few days! I love the fact that the action is constantly changing :duel: There's no telling what will happen next and can't predict the novel ending like a Hollywood movie for example. True, I love my main characters to be manly, in control and domineering, but I love this novel still


Hey, axa, thanks for your post ^_^ Really glad you're enjoying the story and, fret not, more is on the way. I've been a little busy lately but towards the end of March, I will probably be back to my more regular updates :)

Manly, in-control and domineering, eh? Well then I think you'll be quite pleased with the latter half of the story. Lots of good stuff planned ;)

Again, thanks for your kind words and stay tuned!

  • 3 weeks later...
I miss this story!

Hey Jess, I'm sorry ^.^; I've honestly just been busy but by this weekend I'll be getting back to Sanguine double time. Don't worry; I haven't gone anywhere and I won't until this thing is finished!

Thanks for being patient.

  • 3 weeks later...
Love the story and the original name (new one is nice too) but you're the author and I'll read this story no matter it's called! I'm glad your back!

Thanks Jess! Haha, don't worry about discontinuation; it's just not going to happen XD It's good to be back!

Always nice to hear from you; thanks for reviewing!

  • 1 month later...

I was on vacation (and there was no internet!) so it took me some time to reply. Sorry!

I'm still here - Please don't stop writing!!!

Oh my, I'm sorry if I freaked you out, it was just a check. I won't stop writing, please don't worry about that! And thanks for being such a regular, Jess, always appreciate it!

I'm still reading! This story is soooooo interesting.

Thanks for letting me know (I was starting to wonder) and I'm glad you think so! Thanks for reading, Chrissy!

Hi, really enjoying your story, so many twists and turns. Love a HEA and still can't figure out who ends up with Rayce. Turtle/Matteo or a family with the baby.

Thank you very much for saying so; I do hope the story isn't getting too convoluted. As for the final matchup, I'll leave that to the last moment possible ;) Thanks for reading and letting me know.

Hi yes I read each and every chapter. I enjoy stalking you! please keep up the good work

Thanks for letting me know and, no worries, I like stalkers XD Thanks for reading Rainbow!

noooooooo you cant retire this stroy! im to invested in it ! they were all specifically chosen or that project and i need to find out whats so special about rayce! he was bitten by the werewolf too! why isnt he as sick as metteo!? i also want to see the sex scene between rayce and damon wjth rayce toppi g

I'm sorry, I really didn't mean that as a threat! I will write the whole thing; there's no need to worry. Sex between Rayce and Damon is definitely on the cards too ;) As for Rayce's secret, that's a more guarded one that will be revealed in time! Thanks for reading, Anderson, and I'm sorry if I freaked you out ^.^;
  • 3 weeks later...
I love this story read it all in one day, PLEASE CONTINUE I MUST KNOW WHAT HAPPENS :'(

Wow PJ, I'm sorry I didn't notice this earlier; must have missed it in the inbox. And that is seriously impressive! All in one day, I can't imagine how long that must have taken you and it's pretty heartening to know it interested you that much. I always wondered if it was binge reading material or just boring XD So thank you, that's real dedication! ^_^

There's no need to worry, I'm seeing this thing through to the end. Update should be soon. Thanks again for reading (so much at once, lol) and reviewing, PJ!

  • 2 months later...
I need more Rayce and friends!

Hi, Jess! :) Sorry for the major delay. I moved house recently so I have a huge backlog of work... But no worries, the new chapter should be out soon and then, hopefully, I'll get back to my more regular updates. Thanks for your continued interest and, of course, for reviewing!

  • 4 weeks later...
Omgosh that was some comeback chapter! Poor Crisco and Gayle:( I really liked him. I hope they can save the rest of the team. Are we going to find out how Crisco became someones secret slave?

Hey Jess! You think so? Haha, thank you! More like poor Goldie... But yeah, I hate that I can't write Gayle anymore; he's one of those unique characters that I really enjoy writing </3 And honestly, he was probably Rayce's Mr. Right XD

Of course we'll find out; that's the whole point ;) It's not a very pretty story... but then again, what part of their story has been pretty? :P

Nice to hear from you, as always. Thanks for reading and reviewing! ^_^

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