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One of my stories was recently reviewed and this was the review:

cuz that wasn't boring *coughcough*

I am not sure wether or not to take it as a snub of the story or what? I have received flames for my stories but not any of the stories that I did in this one catagory and I'm not sure what to think about this review.

Is this a snub or a light hearted flame?



  • 2 weeks later...

i delete reviews like that. I didnt spend time writing for someone to come along and tell me how boring it may or may not be. I am however in need of a few reviews myself.


I like getting snubs like that... Esp on multi chapter fics... this way I can be polite to them and suggest that they try another area to read in.

Just ignore them hun.


I'm going to delete the review and forget that they ever posted something like that.



I've never deleted a review, even a flame. Partially, it's because I'm lazy, but mostly because of my OTHER reviewers. The last two times I was flamed or snubbed, my other wonderful reviewers rose up as one and started to yell at the flamer. Nothing like watching readers defend your work with such passion to make you feel all warm and gooey inside (see reviews for Solstice on this site or The Definition of Love on gundam-wing-universe.net for very good examples)

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