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This is now split with story and pair types as the first level category, and then pair specific a level below the pair type.

I noticed that, but I couldn't figure out how to get any of my fics into the 'pairing levels'. Is there a FAQs to read on this?


Not yet, but there will be very shortly. Haven't had time to get to it yet, as I've been working several 10 hour days :( ugh.

Quickly, on how to....

When you go edit the story, it will default display to the category it's already in. In order to bring up the sub sub category menu, you have to RESELECT from the top down.

i.e. you'd select FMA, then Yaoi, then the pair.

If you don't reselect, it won't let you edit the category. Mind you, this only applies within a subdomain. For example, it will NOT work to move them from subdomain to another. That actually is something that has no tool, yet. Being worked on, but it's not done.

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