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Hi, I'm phoeyay! I am review-whoring for this poor little one-shot that still doesn't have any. I think it's quite a lovely little piece of smut, really. I got some good ratings, lots of views, but no REviews. I know it takes guts to review something shamelessly porny like this and admit you've actually read it... so come on, baby, be brave!

Author: phoeyay
Title: For Me Only
Summary: Pure crack lemon PWP. SebasCiel. Enjoy!
Feedback: I am happy to have got so many views and ratings on this story, and you guys apparently like it... but it makes me kinda sad there are still no reviews! Please, just one? A single one-word review would make my day. Even if it's "Ew."
Fandom: Black Butler / Kuroshitsuji
Pairing: Sebastian M. x Ciel P.
AFFO, Anal, COMPLETE, D/s, Fingering, HJ, Humil, M/M, Minor1, Oneshot, Oral, PWP, Shouta

Solo story or chaptered story: Solo / oneshot.
URL: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600054255

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