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Shirotora: Thank you so much!!! I can’t tell you how much your reviews mean to me! I sincerely hope I don’t disappoint you. I promise I’m working hard to get back up all my old stories and working on continuations for those stories not completed. ^_^

Waterwolf: I’m glad you’re enjoying!! Yeah, when I’d started Satisfied, it had only originally meant to be a oneshot… but it was too much fun and I couldn’t leave it alone! LOL I have more coming. Thank you so much for reviewing!!

IceAngelsHikari: Thank you so much for your review, I’ll be uploading the next chapters tomorrow (9-8-13) and I’m working hard on the next true update which will hopefully be up next week! I hope you enjoy!!

I'm so honored to have such great readers!!!!

  • 2 weeks later...

AngelStarlight: Hehehe. Your review gave me a great big smile!! I’m so happy you enjoyed the latest chapter. ^_^ And thank you so much for your kind words about my reentry into this fic. I’m having a lot of problems continuing most of my previously incomplete stories so it’s a big relief that you enjoyed this one. Thanks again, so much, for reviewing!!!

Guest AngelStarlight

Rereading my review prompted me to point out two things: first, despite my sinking into the depths of meme-speak, I honestly do have a steady grasp of the English Language (or at least the US's version of it), and second, I fear I am getting fat-thumb syndrome (my excuse for texting typos), so please forgive any missed words or wonky spellings within my reviews. Seems you got the just anyhow. :-)

You're also completely spoiling me on the frequency of your updates, so give me fair warning when you're slowing down so I can find some backup material to read.


Rereading my review prompted me to point out two things: first, despite my sinking into the depths of meme-speak, I honestly do have a steady grasp of the English Language (or at least the US's version of it), and second, I fear I am getting fat-thumb syndrome (my excuse for texting typos), so please forgive any missed words or wonky spellings within my reviews. Seems you got the just anyhow. :-)

You're also completely spoiling me on the frequency of your updates, so give me fair warning when you're slowing down so I can find some backup material to read.

It'll be a while before I slow down. I've got a few more completed stories that I haven't even started posting yet. Once all my completed work is uploaded, I'm hoping to have updates for the stories that are still incomplete (3 more besides Satisfied that I don't have up yet). So I'll keep spoiling you for at least a few more weeks. ^_^

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

waterwolf: Hehe. Yep, I do so love Fei! ^_^

Angelstarlight: I'm working on the next chapters to Satisfied, Rebuilding, and Set Up.... I sorta got caught up reading a massive fic by SkyLark and couldn't seem to do anything else for several days. LOL Anyhoo, I'm hoping to have updates by Thursday! Thanks so much for all your support! ^_^

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