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Guest obscene cupcake

I've been trying to find some harry/lily luna incest and I stumbled accross this https://www.google.com/search?num=30&site=&source=hp&q=adultfanfiction.org+Things+Girls+Like+To+Do&oq=adultfanfiction.org+Things+Girls+Like+To+Do&gs_l=hp.3...538.4965.0.5124.

Notice the one that says "

Looking for het Potter-cest fic recs - Harry Potter - AFF "

It's obviously a topic that was made in these forums, but when I click on it I am just brought to the forums main page. How do I see that topic?

Also, i can kinda see some of the replies in the summary section "Things Girls Like to Do · Lily Potter and the Time Traveler · Take My Hand Harry/Lily Luna Daddy's Girl - Hot and oh so wrong. Click on the link ..."

But when I type "adultfanfiction.org Things Girls Like to Do" I get the review for the story and can't get to the real story, even by clicking the story title!

This is so annoying. Please help. What's a girl gotta do to get some hot incest jill off material?

Guest obscene cupcake


See but when ever I click on the stories it makes me sign my name and age in again and then doesn't take me to them but to here http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php

NEVERMIND! I just search for the titles using the search bit. That works. Thank you.


I believe the user needs to log in ... then age query sets cookies.


The current redirect redirects everything to the base index page. I have to go in and add mod_rewrite conditions, per domain yet I think. (not sure, that's something that the hosting company was supposed to do, so will recheck it)

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