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Harry Potter and Bewitched crossover

Guest claire elizabeth

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Guest claire elizabeth

I don't think I've ever read a Harry Potter crossover with the characters from Bewitched. I was watching episodes last night of Bewitched (and also I Dream of Jeannine) then started thinking wouldn't it be cool if Samantha and Darrin Stevens raised Harry instead of the Dursley's. She's a witch and has wizards in her family so Harry would learn so much about the wizarding world with their help. I can just picture Endora and Lucius Malfoy having a confrontation with each other at Flourish & Blotts instead of Arthur Weasley.

I really didn't like how Dumbledore just left Harry on the doorstep of the Dursley's. I mean anyone could have just grabbed him off the steps since he was left on them in the evening and they didn't find him until morning. So I figured, what if Endora was passing through Little Whinging and hears a baby crying. She never saw Albus, Minerva and Hagrid just leave little Harry on the steps and then leave. What if she takes him with her and Sam and Darrin adopt him?

I don't know exactly how it could be written as I am no writer but I would love to read a crossover fiction based on an idea like this.

Another one that would also be cool to read about, a crossover with I Dream of Jeannine and Tony and Jeannine raise Harry as their adopted son!

If anyone is interested, please make it novel length, I didn't like Dumbledore very much so you can bash him if you would like along with any of the Weasley family if you choose except the twins. You can take what ever liberties you like with this challenge. I just would love to read a story featuring these characters in a Harry Potter story.

If anyone accepts this challenge, thank you!

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