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Firstly, I'd like to welcome all the new users we're seeing daily! Glad to have you here! Please do familiarize yourself with the Terms of Service and Content Guidelines. This IS a moderated archive.

Moderation Status (2013)

Updated monthly. July report is here.

Dribs, Drabs and Doggy Tales

Current prompt is here

Newly published authors

From time to time, we come across in the archive where one of the users is picked up by a publisher. Congratulations!

+sniffles+ We didn't see any this time around.

Read-the-book and fan-make stories

We do not allow these. If they're found, they will be deleted, no warning. These types of stories are verbatim copies of books and/or scripts with name changes. Sorry folks, that's plagiarism.

Tagging your stories

Please, PLEASE remember to tag your stories appropriately. If you have a tag which you would consider a spoiler, we're perfectly fine with your adding that as the first paragraph in the affected chapter. It would look something like this:

additional warnings this chapter: futa, 3plus

The point is, as the writer, you know what your story will contain. If you know that you are going to run out of room in the summary field, we also accept this in the summary: tags are added in story (or something to that effect). Then, you make the tags/warnings the very first paragraph.

My point here, is that sure, this is an adult archive. But that doesn't mean that the stories aren't supposed to have tags. You can't even add a story to the archive without selecting tags. Given the wide range of content type that we have here, it's a necessity to do this.

Funding Status

As always, we appreciate and thank everyone who can donate. It's certainly not required of the users, but every little bit helps!

Tech Bits

The rich text editor has been upgraded. If you're in any browser EXCEPT for Internet Explorer and do not see a text box, clear your cache, and that will correct it for you, as your browser is trying to access the older cached script which no longer exists.

The banner software has been replaced entirely with a new adserver package. Yes, we've used OpenX for a long time. However, it has too many vulnerabilities which make it subject to robohacking. To avoid being hacked, I had to lock that software down tremendously, to where the advertisers (as users) were unable to login at all, among other things.

Our new software even displays the banners as the makers intended them to look. There's really quite a visual difference between this and the old software and how the banners display.

Buffy review table -

For the first time in nearly seven years, I made a typo when running a query. Unfortunately, that typo merged all but 12 reviews to ONE story. So, I had to download the entire database (30 hours to do that), then extract the table data. I'm at about 80% complete in restoring the review table. I expect it'll only take another couple days to finish that up. I greatly appreciate the understanding and patience of the users who frequent that subdomain. You guys have been awesome!

There are a few things users need to be aware of, so as to not have issues.

Internet Explorer 10 has this lovely little default of going to “quirk” mode. This mode plays hell with php scripts. To bypass quirk mode, press Alt+S to put the browser in to STANDARD mode. If for some reason that doesn't work, press Alt+9 to put the browser in to Internet Explorer 9 mode. This will make the edit box appear.

The bug for the center login box still exists, so to not have issues with that, once you've registered, remember to logout, then BACK in, using the boxes located at the upper right corner of your browser screen.

Our FAQ section has much useful information. Having said that, if you're still having trouble, you can either email tech support, or post in the tech support forum. It can take me up to 48 hours to respond, due to real life obligations. Please be patient, I WILL get to you as soon as I can.

Please remember that the authors you read do like to hear from you! Leave them a review or two, and let them know how they're doing!


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