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Guest MadHatter

Must have:

1) there is prophecy of the strongest slayer in the world being born with a strange birthmark to recognize her with (you pick the shape) who will become the greatest warrior for whatever force or cause has her ex. Good or evil

2) Buffy is born to joyce in sunnydale but after being born is recognized by her birthmark by a witch working in the hospital as a nurse

3) witch steals baby Buffy and runs away but kidnapping is put on the news along with description of baby and birthmark

4) vampires and watchers council recognize her as the prophesied slayer and chase after the witch

5) the witch runs to wild and secluded jungle with baby Buffy but the vampires ( Angelus, spike+Drusilla, Darla, the immortal, Dracula and many others), the watchers council, magic users, demons , whoever really wants her power tracks her down

Trying to steal her from the witch

6) trying to lead her pursuers in the wrong direction the witch hides Buffy cloaking her scent with magic and runs intending to come back for her later

7) the witch is killed but no one can find Buffy and after a week it is assumed she is dead

8) in reality a tribal woman hears Buffy crying and having lost her own daughter takes Buffy back to her tribe to replace her dead daughter

9) years later Buffy is the greatest warrior/hunter of her village

10) Buffy's home is attacked by a pack of werewolves seeking to take more territory for their leader who burn her village to the ground killing everyone in it except Buffy

11) Buffy kills all of the werewolves except one who manages to escape and describe the girl and her birthmark to the alpha werewolf who recognizes her and sends people to capture her

12) word gets out to all of the other groups that buffy's still alive through spies they have in the werewolf army and they also go to capture her

13) Dracula disguised as mist catches her first and takes her back to his castle where she meets his manse event xander

14) spike pretending to be a friend sneeks her out of the castle but demons beat him unconscious and steal her from spike

15) after staying with a seductive demoness who tries to teach Buffy to be her submissive lover, the demoness being the mistress and tries to get her to be evil

16) Angelus and the lovers Darla and Drusilla team up to storm the castle with their minions and although the immortals spy almost takes her they capture her and bring her back to Angelus's place

17) although they were supposed to share her and her power they have a hard time controlling her so each team #1-Angelus #2-Darla+Drusilla tries to seduce her into being their own

18) you go from there who wins Buffy? Angelus or Darla and Drusilla


s and m ( be creative )








Make it a bit dark

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