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Guest MadHatter

Must have:

1) Buffy is captured by Angelus and he tortures her until she is insane

2) after Buffy becomes insane Angelus makes her into a vampire and turns her loose in Sunnydale to hunt down and kill her friends and loved ones

3) willow, xander, Giles , Anya , spike and others capture her when she tries to kill them

4) they chain her in spikes crypt because he knows how to take care of fledgling vampires so she stays with him

5) Buffy eventually comes back to sanity unchanged from Angelus turning her into a vampire except with increased strength, speed and an Angelus-like demonic alter ego which is her inner darkness awakened by drinking Angelus's blood

6) Buffy struggles to control her evil Angelus-like persona

7) it turns out that because he is her sire Angelus has a connection to Buffy and is able to visit her in her dreams which he does seducing her every night trying to bring out the evil in her

8) Buffy permanently turns into evil Buffy and goes to live with Angelus in the mansion in Sunnydale

9) eventually spike goes after her since he only stayed with the Scoobies to be near to her and kidnaps dawn out of her bedroom to bring with him

9) Buffy , spike and Angelus all turn dawn into a vampire together and they live in the mansion as a family

10) Drusilla and Darla leave L.A. to come visit Angelus in Sunnydale are delighted by what they see and decide to stay with them for awhile

11) eventually they defeat the Scoobies and Sunnydale is overrun by demons and vampires with Angelus and Buffy ruling over them all

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