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Drusilla, spike and Buffy in South America challenge

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Guest MadHatter

Must have:

1) Drusilla and spike are in south america but Drusilla feels the spark has gone out of their relationship so she takes spike back to Sunnydale saying she has one last present for him before she leaves

2) they set a trap for Buffy and while she is distracted Drusilla knocks her unconscious and they take her back to south america

3) Buffy wakes up chained standing up and spread eagled in Drusilla and spike's home

4) Drusilla tells spike that she knows he has a thing for the slayer and that before she goes together they will train her for him

5) Buffy tries to resist spike and Drusilla's torture (sexual, physical, mental)

6) Buffy begins to like what they do to her

7)angel arrives to save Buffy but somehow Angelus comes out and participates in a little torture before leaving to undo all of the good he did as angel

8) Buffy is finally fully trained and obedient

9) Drusilla decides to stay with spike and Buffy in their home saying that maybe Buffy is what they needed all along


1) spike calls her pet, Drusilla calls her sunshine ,and they lead her around by a collar and leash ,making her crawl

2) intense bdsm

3) bondage + lots of toys I.e. whips, paddles

4) they mark her as theirs somehow ex, tattoo or brand

5) spike and Drusilla hold a party and invite many other vampires to see their pet (Buffy in collar and leash)

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