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Alternate buffy vs. dracula Challenge

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Guest MadHatter

Must have alternate ending to Dracula episode in which:

1) xander finds Draculas castle while everyone else is busy fighting Dracula's minions

2) xander rushes in alone to save Buffy and while looking through the castle for Buffy finds the 3 sisters

3) they seduce xander and lock him up in the dungeon to play with him

4) meanwhile Buffy has broken Dracula's thrall but he has still seduced her

5) Dracula seduces Buffy and he drinks from her blood rendering her unconscious

6) everyone else finally finds the castle and runs inside only to find it empty

7) Dracula takes Buffy back to Romania along with xander for the 3 sisters

8) Dracula keeps Buffy in his castle in Romania seducing her more everyday while she tries and fails to escape

9) Dracula runs out of patience with Buffy's latest escape attempt and decides to discipline her

10) Dracula forces Buffy into a bdsm relationship where she calls him master

11) meanwhile xander is being trained like a puppy by the 3 sisters until he is pretty much their slave also the sisters nickname for xander is puppy

12) Buffy slowly grows to like bdsm relationship with Dracula

13) Buffy and xander are critically injured when a village invades the castle to slay Dracula

14) Dracula turns Buffy into a vampire

15) one of the villagers was a werewolf who bit xander . xander turns into a werewolf and the sisters say that now he is a puppy for real


1) extreme bdsm in relationships ( be creative )

2) spike has to visit with Drusilla

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