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I know it's supposed to be romantic but...


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I was reading a fic with my friend about a couple that goes through a terrible break up then comes back together and they promise that they will never break up again through a blood pact. When my friend got to that part, she sighed and said 'that's so romantic' but when I read the part where they cut their palms and clasped their hands, I went 'that is so unsanitary!' She called me unromantic, but after years of health ed, the threat of disease kind of destroyed what romance was supposed to be there for me, even though the scene was wonderfully written and very beautiful. Has anyone else ever experienced this where the author writes a romantic scene, but you're actually freaked out about it?

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Guest Savaial

Some Phantom of the Opera fanfic hits me with that little "Brrrr." I do like Phantom very much, but he IS basically a stalker and a murderer.

I read a fanfic once that had the Phantom stalking Christine (like he does), then when he confessed it to her, all the reviews were like, "Awww, he admitted it! She'll have to be flattered!"


The last time anyone admitted they were stalking me I got to looking around corners with window-shop panes and locking all my doors.

But if you were looking for a more gore-factor squick, I'm with you on the blood. Blood isn't safe to ingest or absorb or whatever unless your characters are undead (and can't catch the ick), or super-powerful to normal ick. The blood play isn't very bothersome to me but I don't see why it would have to be in the story or all that graphic. I don't personally find it romantic to have someone share blood with me.

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i go to an all girl's college and 9/10 of the girls here don't understand what 'stalking' means. They think that following someone everywhere and leaving them 200 messages on their answering machine after they've broken up is so very romantic. I think that attitude scares me more than the stalking itself. I don't get the whole blood play thing, either.

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Are you telling me that (std's aside) it isn't safe to do the bloodplay thing???

I never really expected those fantasies to come true... but knowing it's not safe would really really suck....

Well, actually I'm not really into those 'romantic' things...

Unfortunately 'romantic' too often means 'not-having-anything-in-common-with-reality' and I don't like it. It's shallow.

Of course, when someone slip a small dollop of romanticism it's OK.

Wait just a second... I may need a little time to wrap my head around this... You think... Romance is... shallow??? How..? what..?

huh >_?>

Are you sure you're not confused with "a hundred red roses and lots of chocolate"?? 'Cause that has nothing to do with romance....

Edited by Zyx
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Wait just a second... I may need a little time to wrap my head around this... You think... Romance is... shallow??? How..? what..?

huh >_?>

Are you sure you're not confused with "a hundred red roses and lots of chocolate"?? 'Cause that has nothing to do with romance....

I don't confuse those... but authors very often do :o

That's why I've written 'romance' not romance :D It was supposed to mean so-called-romance. Maybe it wasn't clear enough.

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Romance is not necessarily red roses and chocolates. I wrote a gundam wing story where Heero gives Duo his gun and I got a ton of reviews that said that that was the most romantic thing my readers had read in awhile. I mean, if I found someone who would be willing to make popcorn for me and actually sit down and watch horror movies with me, that would be my idea of romantic. Poetry, chocolate, roses... these do nothing for me, but shove a bag of popcorn at me and let me show you 'Dawn of the Dead', and I will turn into a puddle of sappy goo.

About the blood thing, it is very unsafe!!! My mom's a nurse and my cousin has had every non-fatal illness known to man (including stuff like gangrene and lung cancer), so I'm not kidding when I say that. Even in fantasy fanfiction, I can't get around the whole blood thing because it is such a basic element and while I can see that other people might find it romantic, I do not, I see it as a good way to get hepititus, AIDs, and hundreds of other things. Not to mention blood poisoning and other such lovely infections. So no, do not do the whole 'blood brother'/'blood play' thing unless you're a hundred percent safe, by which I mean gloves, plastic, ect. Unless you're a vampire or something...

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I don't confuse those... but authors very often do ;)

That's why I've written 'romance' not romance :) It was supposed to mean so-called-romance. Maybe it wasn't clear enough.

No, I should've noticed the '' thingies ;)

I just like the word romance and the meaning of it to me, so I get a bit defencive B)

And about the bloodplay thing... I'm still not sure it's that unsafe (if you leave the std's out of the picture)

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