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My sister and I were talking today and she mentioned that it must be great going to an all girls school because, since we're all girls, we don't care if we see each other naked or not. ... :( I had to relate to her this story at that point.

This actually happened on Easter weekend when I went home. My cousin (Yuki) and two of his older brothers were staying with us. Upstairs, its just the bathroom, my room, a spare room with the tv, and what used to be my sister's room and these are all very close to each other. I was in the spare room playing silent hill 4, minding my own business, and my cousin was in the shower when one of his brother's came upstairs and went into the bathroom and I heard this conversation:

Yuki: Hey, I'm taking a shower here, get the fuck out!

Brother: We're both boys, what difference does it make?

Yuki: My dick is not your dick and your dick is not my dick! Our dicks are total seperate entities from each other! Therefore, it's not the same, not even close! So get the fuck out!!

lol :rofl:

Suffice to say, I won the argument with my sister, cause I don't care if it's another girl, I still don't want to see some bare ass chick flying down my dorm. :D

cause I don't care if it's another girl, I still don't want to see some bare ass chick flying down my dorm. :(
I think it's a matter of conditioning. Kids start off nudists, and you have to pound civilized behavior into them. WEAR clothing. no one wants to see the place the duck bit you. Don't be curious about what people in other changing rooms are doing, wearing, showing or have tattoos on, stop ducking under the half-doors to say hi.

But you can condition in the other direction, too.

My first week in boot camp, i was terribly self-conscious to use a restroom that didn't have a door. No one was looking in, and the only people on that whole half of the base were males but the idea that someone COULD have been was enough to constipate me for a week.

By the end of my first tour at sea, (on an all-male submarine) i ran straight from the shower to my battle station and went through a surprise missile launch exercise naked. The weapons officer turned to me at the end and said only: You're dripping shampoo into the resolvers. Stop it.


on one end of the spectrum, we have fire drills in the middle of the night and there is always one girl that runs out of the dorm in only a towel, soaking wet and no shoes and everyone will start laughing at her, then there are moments when I come out of my room in the middle of the day and my r.a. walks out of the shower butt naked. *shudder* I'm a lesbian, but still *shudder* my cousin has 12, count that, 12 siblings (he has eight older brothers), so he knows the phenomena of guys walking into the bathroom while he's in there, so imagine he must enjoy the privacy he gets now that he's twenty five and doesn't even live in the same country as them. I don't know how you survived boot camp, I don't think I could have done that naked at all :(


Yea I think it really is a matter of how you are raised. I was born a nudist, and I still am. My mother tried to make me civilized, and it ended up as a comprimise. I'm always fully clothed in public.

Now I have a friend who grew up second oldest of 7. He said they didn't even bother covering up with towels going back and forth from the shower when he was a kid. He's seen his brothers and sisters naked many times. So when he went into the Marines the close living quarters with other men didn't bother him in the slightest. He actually thought it was weird to see some of the other guys being so modest.


It's not a big deal but I have no patience for the fact that it's a deal at all.

y know?

It's like: I don't care if you walk around here naked (well, I might.... ;)) but I don't feel like wasting too much time on it.

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