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Hey all.

So, I've been having ideas flying about for a science-fiction story for the past few days, as I worked on my other story, Lesbanon.

I finally broke down and decided to actually put the ideas together into a single cohesive universe, and unify them to all work together. The final result is the story Copernicus - 2414 AD. You can read the story here: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600106306

The official summary of the story is as such: The Copernicus is a frontier research vessel. Six months prior, a sudden order overrode the Admiral's authority with that of spec-ops agent Kira. Her promiscuity and hunger for gangbangs has wound the crew about her finger. But to what end?

There are a few pointed differences between this story and my high-fantasy novel that I want to point out, beyond the fact that one is high-fantasy and the other science-fiction:

  1. Copernicus is not a satire, deconstruction, or social commentary. Unlike Lesbanon, there is no real social or political drive behind the story. I just really enjoy reading and writing scifi, and I enjoy writing adult-oriented material, so I decided to merge them.
  2. Copernicus's story is not as in-depth. Lesbanon focuses on an entire (small) country, full of a fairly-well fleshed-out two thousand years of political history, religious doctrine, and bigotry-enforcing stereotypes, focusing on two opposing empires clashing and catching (and being extorted by) people in the crossfire. Copernicus is focused on a single medium-sized vessel deep in space, with little care to attention being brought to the history of the universe in which it takes place in.
  3. The sexual orientation of the stores is very bipolar. Where Lesbanon is focused primarily on girl/girl interactions, Copernicus is very much so a boy/girl story. Like Lesbanon, the relationships vary from very large orgies (as the first scene in each describes; I believe in bursting onto the scene full blast and then throttling it back) to one-on-one boy/girl interactions.
  4. Copernicus's conflict will not be generated from warfare or violence. In Lesbanon, the catalysing conflict is two large and opposing empires waging war with one another, with much action and violence and death. Copernicus, in contrast, is based on a weaponless research vessel. There will be conflict, but it will be directed through channels alternate to violence.
  5. Copernicus will be far tamer in terms of extremism / fetishes / warnings. Lesbanon has over 40 tags to its name, involving various trigger scenes such as rape and abuse, and various fetishes including futanari / dickgirls, blood-play, genital mutilation and torture, sadomasochism, and very violent bondage. Copernicus, on the other hand, will be far tamer. There will be no rape or (physical) abuse, no futanari or torture or bondage. All in all, it will be far more consensual and enjoyable for everyone throughout - both for the characters involved and for the readers (I hope!). Copernicus does have aliens and tentacles (and alien tentacles), but I will say now that isn't such a big part of the story, until the final scenes. I will be sure to clearly label when such things become relevant, since I know tentacles / aliens aren't for everyone (I personally dislike them, believe it or not; don't ask why they're involved in the story, because the answer is complicated.)

Beyond those things, I just want to state that I probably will not make an appendix for Copernicus, because of how simple the story is.

I will be posting in this thread whenever I publish a new chapter, same as Lesbanon. As people write reviews for the story, I will respond to them here. If anyone has any comments regarding the story, or anyone wants to discuss it with myself or others, please do not hesitate to post in this thread. This thread IS here for discussion, after all; I'd love to have some!


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