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  • Brief description of what I'm looking for from prospective beta:

    I'm looking for second opinion on story. I'm fairly solid on grammar and spelling and have help with that. I want reality checks on story/world. What works, and what doesn't work. After this many years of fanfic, I've had the world and backstory there as training wheels so I could concentrate on plot and character. But now I need to balance it all.

  • Say what fandom this is for, or if it's an original story.

    Original Story

  • Let the prospective beta readers know what type of story this will be (in general).

    This is mostly coming of age story of a slave's escape, gaining personal power and then being part of the barbarian forces fighting the evil empire and what she specifically escaped from. There is violence/rape but it's not explicit. Nor are there are real pairings, there are relationships but it's not romance or erotic. (I am hoping to expand the world more in a second story)

  • State whether you'd like to read examples of the prospective beta reader's works before you agree on anything. This is a good idea, since if a person is going to be critiquing your work, wouldn't you like to know whether they really do know what they're talking about?

    I would like to read/link to something of the like, but some people are great critics without writing on their own. I'm hoping to work with someone at a similar experience level. I would like someone who has free time for communications even if they have delays in comments.. RL happens but I don't want to wait for a couple of weeks or a month before I hear they had a baby, are tied up with their dog having fleas, or something else. Waiting is easier if you know how long. I'm quite willing to trade if the reader writes in/close to a genre I'm comfortable with.

Here's the start in it's current draft:

The slave barracks weren't nightime quiet yet, but I wanted to hold my breath as I waited.

Travel between the holdings of a depotiera of the Dargal phratry had not been pleasant, yet we arrived today at her mine. Here were none of the minor comforts of her city mansion, not for punished house slaves.

Posted (edited)


Allow me to start with saying that I'm a bit of a hard ass - and from what I am understanding, this is a work you are looking to get published in some way. I have a very critical eye for story and creativity and I am damn near squick-proof. I am a professional writer of technical documents (for the corporate world) so I have a solid understanding of spelling / grammar (which I realize you said you have under control) and for comprehension, structure and form. As for the creativity factor, I am very good at spotting plot holes, OOC issues and helping with writer's block (though I believe you are already finished with this story?).

Primarily I write for Original M/M fics, however I am capable of stepping outside of that comfort zone to give you a fresh perspective. As a Beta I am known for being rather blunt, but all of the stories that I have assisted with on other websites and for other people have turned out quite successful. Unfortunately I have not beta'd for anyone in a while, however I can point you to some of my own work if you would like to have a taste of my style.

Dragon Drive (Original)

The Family Pet (The Avengers)

Within the Keep (World of Warcraft)

Please let me know if my skills are what you're looking for. Feel free to send me a PM here on the Forums, or an email ( ezno.serronas@gmail.com ). Our only issue is that my time frame can get a little hectic, but I doubt you'd ever have to go for more than a few days without seeing me.

No matter what the case, I wish you and your story the best of luck!



Edited by Serronas
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