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Click-through page for stories?

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Guest StarSword

I wrote a fanfic recommendation over on TV Tropes for one of the stories in the Mass Effect archive, The Translation in Blood by NothingTame. TV Tropes' content policy means I can't link to pages on AFF directly (long story; short version is Google ads pay for the place and they've had a couple run-ins with overzealous content-reporting guys over porn), but they make an exception if you provide a click-through page.

Is there a way to link to The Translation in Blood so that it'll throw up a content warning page before allowing you through?


What we have are two cookie setter pages. The first to access the subdomain, saying you MUST be 18 or older to enter the site, and the second to access chapter data, where it asks for a birthday and says you MUST be 18 or older.


We don't have content warning pages, per se, as the entire site is full of adult content.

The best I can tell you, is that unless the user has already set cookies for the site, yes, they will see the "you must be 18 or older" splash page, as well as the the age verification page when trying to enter a story itself, until they set the cookies.


there is no pop up, but there is a splash page. PROVIDED the person following the link has not been here and set that cookie, they'll see that page. Aside from that, the site itself is clearly labeled all over as to being age restricted, for 18+

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