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I'm new to the betaing world, but I learn fast and I'm already good at editing.

I want to beta something, but haven't found anything to my liking yet.

When I review stories, I tend to keep my negative comments to myself, figuring that plenty of people are going to be rude about what they think. I like to point out the things that have captured my interest and kept me reading the story. An example of one of my reviews:

I love this story! I almost cried a few times because you really conveyed the strong love that Harry had for Cedric. Please continue the story! I want to see how it ends! http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600014378

I have been writing fanfiction for 5 years online.

I have posted 21 stories on fanfiction.net in the past 5 years. Here's the link to my fanfiction.net profile: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/464618/

I am very good at finding spelling and grammar mistakes. I can write in any person viewpoint successfully, although most of my stories are first-person.

I honestly don't know what my weak areas are, but I'm sure that when I find some, I'll get rid of them immediately.

Most of my 'objectional' stories were lost when my computer crashed, but I am currently working on a Labyrinth adultfanfic. I haven't gotten to the chapters which require the warning tags yet.

I like to read love stories and family incest (don't ask me why). Mainly I like to read stories where I can connect with the characters. I'm willing to work with any kind of objectionable content.

I'm writing on the Labyrinth fandom currently, but am working on one for the originals section. I've reviewed the originals, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings fandoms. Those are the three that I visit most often.

I want to become a beta because when I see stories with bad grammar and spelling mistakes or parts that don't flow well, I want to help them. If they don't have time to fix it, I can do it for them.

I was the editor of a newspaper for my high school for 4 years and the only problems we ever had with editing was forgetting to change the issue number.

Although I don't like to boast, I have been applauded many times for my stories because they had no spelling or grammar mistakes.

  • 3 months later...
<br />Are you familiar with the Naruto fandom?<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Not really, but if you need a beta, I'll be happy to help!

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