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Title: Piety and Infamy

Author: Miss Marian Kimberly Welty (TheBlackadder)

Rating: Adult+

Summary: This is a story about Colonel William Tavington’s marriage to a mysterious young Colonial girl whom very little is known about. Later to find that she had fallen under General Cornwallis’ eye. The story runs parallel to the movie. Angst, Death, OC, Other, Vio

Disclaimer: This is the first fan fiction I ever wrote (2001-02 probley) so it’s a bit Mary-Sue and amateurish. I am in the process of rewriting and adding chapters as I finish them. There is some sexual content, and death.

Feedback: Yes Please.

Fandom: Movies, The Patriot

URL: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091701

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