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I have just reached level 130, I think and what made me think was the fact that I'm more than half way through the available levels (250 of them) and have 761 Str. To compare, Keith Inc. has 683 Str at level 109, and Shirotaka 615 Str at level 114.

So … once we reach level 250, we stop gaining Str and Hp, so we’re basically stuck with what we will have gained by then. Of course, some will have more Str points, the other will have more Hp.

Now, my question is ... HOW are we going to EVER reach the strength level necessary to use, let's say Stealth Bomber which requires Minimum Str: 11501 and Maximum Str: 13500? How? Because however I count, we're never going to reach even 5,000 Str. Every level we gain max 10 points Str, so basic Maths makes it 250x10=2,500. And that's only when we would get those 10 points per each level, which unfortunately doesn't happen too often.

So all those cool weapens are never going to be within our reach ... *sighs*


Obviously, the mod makers intended for the weapons to be used. So, at a guess (I will ask tho) this limit on strength and such is something that actually doesn't apply to this version. I'll check, but I'm thinking the help/tutorial files may not have been updated entirely.

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