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Responses for I Broke Down: Chapter 1

M_kren2: Your wish is my command. I am glad you love love love it. Thank you also for reviewing Logans story.

Tiara: If it is in my ability I will be posting updates on Tuesdays and Fridays. I am glad you are interested in the story.

Anon: I didnt think anyone would remember it so your review gave me a little flutter in my chest. I did a lot of the rewrites in 2008 and some this year. I more or less forgot about it for a few years. Then was going through some old files and told myself I should get it posted and finished finally. I am happy with the new version. I am happy that an old reader will be reading this new version. It will be upon completion 34 chapters and 119k ish. Im sure I might add a few words here and there before posting.

I can see that my writing has evolved and my word usage has changed but I am still interested in this story even if it is written in my old style.

Responses for Soren & Edmund: The Monster Under My Bed: Chapter 1

Bea good: Im glad you loved it and I hope you will like this one as well. In this story I have been toying with many ideas and plan to bring in the ekşi. I finished writing chapter 13 yesterday and figure it will be at least 20 if not 30 chapters. The first ten chapters or so will focus mainly on Edmund.

Dynamic4: Time will tell. Chapter 2 and 3 deal with Soren and Edmunds first meeting. The results of the meeting are written in chapter 21 or 22 of the Monster Under My Bed, but I felt it needed to be written from a different view point. The story hardly ends there though. Otherwise what would be the point in writing it?

M_kren2: Thankyou for your reviews. They always make my day. More you have been given. Now perhaps you have other thoughts about my stories?

Edited by eroburn

I Broke Down: Chapter 2 Review Answers

mint: sorry i missed you last time. Of course I will :)

Soren and Edmund: The Monster Under My Bed: Chapter 2 Answers

yuurimaoh:To get Soren's reaction to what happened see chapter 22 of The Monster Under My Bed. I think perhaps to Soren it wasn't even a thought that occupied his head. He really hasn't had dealings with anyone. His original love died after mere days. Brett was his first real relationship and we all saw how that ended. No, he doesn't understand. We are going to follow Edmund for a while after this.

  • 2 weeks later...

Responses for I Broke Down: Chapter 4

there arent any...

Responses for Soren & Edmund: The Monster Under My Bed: Chapter 4

m_kren2: in chapter 12 it will switch to soren's view

yuurimaoh: some things he needs to do first. soren chapter 12. added you to mailing list. thankyou for your reviews.

googler: oh they will get their time but some things need to be done first

Raksha: not for a bit. thank you. more of a journey perhaps.

if anyone has an interest in beta'ing me let me know

  • 2 weeks later...
I Broke Down

blueskies: Thank you I definitely need a beta but until one jumps out in front of me I am stuck. I might have to strong arm one of my friends to do it. This is an old story that I have a rewrite to sometime in 2008. Five years later my writing style has changed quite a bit. As evidenced in Soren and Edmund's story. I had problems switching this story from first person to perhaps second or third. Definitely need more practice doing it. I often think of Mark as a hissing spitting kitten.

Wofcwol: added you to mailing list. Hugs. ty

Soren and Edmund's Story


Soren and Edmund: The Monster Under My Bed: Chapter 6 reviews

TinkerBabe7: The meeting between Edmund and Brett is going to be something else. I can tell you no lies.

Anna: I know the virus changed his dad. Catch 22. Would he have changed if not for intervention? Doubtful. Thanks for motivation. I used to get 1-2k hits per story every chapter. Not so much anymore. But maybe I am expecting too much. Thankyou for reviewing.

Slaveneko: If perhaps people reviewed I would know of their interest. Yes. When I get one or perhaps no reviews per chapter I feel very unmotivated. Lol. Gonna be a little bit. Soon though I promise. Look out for chapter 11.

I Broke Down: Chapter 7 Reviews

Blueskies: Great name. Nothing more interesting that the layer that separates us from the vacuum that is. Going to try to keep motivated to update. But been hard as not many people are reviewing anymore. Thankyou for your interest.

Wolfluv: Most of those hits were from when I originally posted. For 7 chapters I have gotten less than 1k hits to date. And a total of eight reviews. Pathetic compared to what I got for same story in the past. I am well familiar with how much the site has died.

I blame three key factors. Site traffic is down. Reviews are seriously down. Because before you didn’t have to be logged into review, and you didn’t have captcha’s. Third a lot of people were scared off by malware warnings.

Sending out hidden chap tomorrow. Thanks for review. Added you to mailing list.

For everyone else. Hidden chapter. One day to get it. Don’t miss the awesomeness.

I Broke Down: Chapter 8,9 & hidden review responses

Wolfluv: Sorry it's depressing. Facts are facts. Nothing to be done. Hope we can work something out as far as betaing goes. We shall see. I shall post until its done. The Cotton Tail shall be next. 'Peter Peter cotton eater. Killed his rabbit just to eat her. Hid her body in a dumping hell. There she will stay just as well.'

M_Kren2: I am sorry I made you cry. I know what the future holds and its going to get far worse. If I could draw I would do it. Thank you for your kind words.

Mantou: I cried when I wrote it so I completely understand. If I wrote half of the depressing things my mind comes up with. I would do nothing but cry

Tabfan: I am loath to give anything away but everyone will know things before the end of the story. 24 chaps to go. i think you got hidden. let me know if you didnt. some people didn't add their emails. so no clue how to send them it. and yes aff hides most peoples emails from me.

m_kren2: if you cry a river let it be filled with tears of happiness and joy, not the pain of the heart and leave sorrow on its banks.

Soren and Edmund: The Monster Under My Bed: Chapter 7 and hidden

Coco: check your email. Your email just showed up so since you the hidden chapter just now. Ty and you prob need to read the first one first. but keep on reading :) ty i will.

Tinkerbabe7: I agree but was thinking more along the lines of Erin being an unwanted guest. They basically gave him a place to stay for a night without notice. Ask and you shall receive. Hopefully this chapter made results clearer. Poor soren still has time to go.

Tinkerbabe. If you didnt get hidden chapter (no idea what your name is on fb or email) just drop me an email and i will send it to you.

Trugrit: They are shiny and beautiful and pure and and and. I could go on but i completely agree.

Maea: Sure. I am glad you like them. I am glad someone does.

Ciara1973: I have no way to send it to you. I have no email.... Send me your email in a review or just email me or add me on fb and i will send you hidden chappy.

Anon: awesome. Your email just appeared. added you to list. Sent you hidden chap and old easter egg chap. enjoy.


icassop: I am glad you like my story. I want to do a rewrite just for syntex sometime in the future but will full post it and leave it posted while i do it. Huggles and much love.

Ria: np done and done

Sabine: I wrote this story in a very depressed point in my life. It originally was going to be a death fic. But somehow I don't have it in me to continue on writing a story with such a tragic end, thus it evolved and i am pretty happy with how they are going now. I like Erin. But I love Soren. I am going to be sad when his story is finally done. Huggles.

Bird: penguin your move. Bird: 2: if i could write a scene.. that wouldn't leave me aching emotionally I would write it. but it isnt me to leave things at deaths frontdoor.

Amanda: sometimes i get the feeling we are all just little globes sitting on a shelf somewhere. i think my snow globe has a crack and is leaking water.

I Broke Down: Chapters 10, 11 review responses

Azrael: Thankyou. The feelings conveyed in the story were real feelings that I felt at one time. Write what you know and all that jazz. This story is already written, just betaing as I go and tweaking things. 34 chapters in all so will be a bit longer ;) Not going to give you an exact chapter though
Anon: Some stories are like that. Adhd ftw. I like mark and joe. :) but not above torturing them, or at least mark. thankyou.

Soren and Edmund: Chapter 8 responses

NO Reviews... No Responses.


I Broke Down chapter 12+13 review responses

No Reviews No responses

Soren and Edmund: chapter 9

Anon:I am sure you are going to find out shortly. This isn't a tragedy but not telling the ending yet ;) Hope you enjoyed the update and I am glad you like it.

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