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Sesshomaru x Inu no Taisho request

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Guest YaoiGrl

I've had this idea for a Sesshomaru x Inu no Taisho story for a while now but can't really write it myself, for some reason, so here goes!

This is not going to be in accordance to canon, just so you know!

Basically the idea would be that Sesshomaru and Inuyasha grew up together under the care of their father. Of course there are the normal sibling rivalry and stuff. Since Inuyasha is only a half demon Taisho would naturally be kinder on him in diciplin and such compared to Sesshomaru. Preferably he would also be assuming that his full-demon son would be an alpha, like himself, while his half-demon son would be a beta, and thus treating his children somewhat different because of that. The idea would be that Sesshomaru as an alpha would be expected to be strong and manage on his own, while Inuyasha as a beta doesn't quite have those expectations on him and gets lots of cuddles that Sesshomaru doesn't.

However, when Sesshomaru reaches his first heat (at whatever age that is) he realises that he is in fact not the alpha he thought he was, but instead a beta. Ashamed by this he runs away to hide his beta-status from his family. From there on he becomes sort of a wanderer, traveling around in the world pretending to be the alpha he was raised to be, spending his heats in solitude and generally avoiding his family.

At some point Taisho decides to call both of his now adult sons home, could be for some sort of celebration or just because he feels like it. In my immagination Inuyasha is in a relationship with Kagome, but you could change that if you want to.

Having no choice but to abide by his father's words Sesshomaru returns home, where he is greated as the independant alpha-son everyone thinks he is. Then he get's into his heat. Feeling this Sesshomaru once again tries to run away but this time he is stopped by his father who really hasn't seen much of his son while he has been traveling and thus doesn't want his son to leave so soon. As the alpha he is Taisho soon smells the heat on his son and thus realises what Sesshomaru has been hiding from him.

From here on Taisho decides that he has to take responsibility for his elder son. Sesshomaru is not as eager to this, only seeing his status as a beta as something shameful and a weakness he should not have. So Taisho forcefully drags Sesshomaru away and locks him in, deciding to teach his son what it means to be submissive and for him to eventually embrace it.

I'd like to see lots of angst, lots of kinks in Taisho's training of Sesshomaru. You could change some of the details as you want, this is just a general idea of what my imagination wants. Kind of a big project I know, but if anyone think they could do something even remotely like this then I'd be really grateful!

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