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Guest jgvolden

When trying to enter the site a page comes up saying that this site is an attack site for malware. This message comes from Google, but Norton Security does not detect any threats.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest dazedandconfused

Good morning, I was just wondering whether or not you have checked for virus issues again from the 12th of March to today. I just did a thorough cleaning of my pc and found that I got infected like I did around the 1st of the month and just thought I would check and see if you were aware if there is another problem. I have removed the issues but it worries me because it seems like it happens when I visit this site. Thank you.

Guest dazedandconfused

FYI, I just checked out Norton's safe web search link and it didn't show anything but I still think there is an issue and the problem might be with the advertisements AFF uses as sponsors. Is there any way you check out the shades of grey ad because that was kind of acting bonkers yesterday. Thank you!


Read this... it explains everything including that we have something in place to make sure that doesn't happen.

Guest dazedandconfused

The detected issues found were Exploit:Java/CVE-2013-0422 (CVE-2013-0431 & CVE-2012-1723)

Guest dazedandconfused

Thank you! I read the link but I still got infected and was curious does what I read mean that no threats were found or were they and removed? Also, does it actually mean that whatever I am getting is not from visiting AFF? I don't mean to be a pain in the butt but these things confuse me something terribly.


It's not from us. We're not infected and haven't been. The sites testing clean and free from anything harmful across the board

Guest dazedandconfused

Danyealle, Thank you! I appreciate your help and guess I must have got infected somewhere else then.

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