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Good afternoon.

I've never been a beta before. Still, I've got to start somewhere if I want to become one.

I would like to become an official beta on AdultFanFiction.Net. As well, I want to answer the following request.

I have been reviewing fanfiction since I was eighteen years old (six years, give or take). My reviews have grown as I have, especially as I became legal age (19 in Ontario, Canada) and started to read, review and write adult (fan)fiction. My reviewing style is...fairly honest, in my opinion, though I gush a bit. I note if there are any spelling and/or grammatical errors (as I am not a beta yet, I normally recommend looking for one here on the forums) at first, if there aren't many, I will note them specifically. Following that, I give them my opinion as a reader and, dare I say, a fellow artist.

I started posting my own (fan)fiction online around the same time I started reviewing it, since I was sixteen years old. My first fanfiction was a Digimon songfiction (like a beta, an author has to start somewhere) called Memories of Olde. My profile on Fanfiction.Net is here and on FFN’s fiction-only mirror, Fictionpress.com, my profile is here.

My strength lies in spelling and grammar, as well as characterization and pacing. Friends in reality and some people online familiar with my writing have mentioned that my prose has a poetic touch to it, and I believe it is because I try to put something of a “flow” to a story. I don’t expect someone to understand, but reading some of my work may give you an idea.

I suppose my weak areas would probably be in updating. I work overnights, so I have a very small window of opportunity to use the computer, which is in the bedroom I share with my fiancée. I’m sure I have other weak areas, but I don’t really notice them. To be honest, I don’t really look.

The most objectionable thing I’ve written (so far) is non-consensual sex (borderline, if not all-out rape), one instance in my Fictionpress.com profile under the story “Destruction of a Vow”, and the other in my AFF.Net profile under the story “Roads Leading Back” (non-consensual incest involving a minor just shy of becoming legal age, and even then, it’s very brief).

I’m a bit picky with objectionable content, as you put it, and I will read it only under certain conditions. Bestiality, with the exception of the AFF.Net author Keith’s work “Lamia” and “Lamia II”, is something I would not touch at all. Non-consensual sex is something I will read, only if it’s expressed well, as with incest. Sex involving underaged parties is something I will read provided that the minor involved is at least fourteen years of age, and is written well.

My personal limits when it comes to reading (fan)fiction lie mostly in the realm of visual and artistic quality. It’s a real turn-off for me when the entire story is a large mass and paragraphs aren’t spaced. As well, it should catch my attention by the end of the first chapter. I can put up with typos as long as the story itself catches my attention. When it comes to writing, I’ll admit I have something along the lines of Writer’s ADD. I will have several projects going on at once and I let inspiration lead me wherever it will. Where reviews are concerned, I will review a story after I have read the latest installment, or after I quickly jot down what story I’m currently reading, and which chapter I stopped reading at.

I’ve written the prologue to a Resident Evil 4 fanfiction, but inspiration hasn’t led me to continuing that particular project. I own the game, so when I play it next, I may be able to find something to inspire me. My early works were in Digimon, and I haven’t read any fanfiction there since I left FFN. As I stated earlier, I’ve drifted from fanfiction and pretty much devoted myself to original work. I look for fanfiction on occasion, but not for anything specific.

I want to become a beta because I feel bad turning down invitations to do beta work for someone. I’d review someone’s work, mention that there were a few spelling/grammatical errors, and suggest a beta (normally if it’s multi-chaptered and they’re scattered throughout the course of the story). At that point, I’d get an e-mail asking if I would like to become their beta. I’m not an official AFF.Net beta reader, and I don’t want to get myself and the other author to get into any trouble over the fact that I’m not “official”.

I thank you for taking the time to go through this message, and will humbly wait for your reply in regards to my application to become an official AdultFanFiction.Net beta reader.

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