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I've got a thing for Snape/Hermione detention smut, so I'd like to read an other one. It's completely up to you, why our favorite know-it-all has to see Snape for detention. Write a one shot or multiple chapters; whatever you'll feel like.

What I wouldn't mind reading (so it's all optional, although I'd like you to use at least one thing. If you manage to put it all in the fic - even better :D) :

  • non-con (guess -or rather hope *cough*- it will be a non-con, since no Gryffindor student likes Snape)
  • dirty talking Snape
  • spanking
  • bondage
  • oral (doesn't matter who'll be the receiving; maybe both - that'd be up to you)

What I don't want to read:

  • other pairings (and neither of them's in a relationship)
  • anal (well, if you like it and really want to imply it: okay as long as it wouldn't be the only way Snape will take Hermione)
  • fluff
  • someone walking in on them
  • both of them calling each other by their first names (that just ruins every detention fic for me)
  • Snape dragging Hermione in his office and instantly ravishing her (let him take some time so she'll slowly get the idea of what he wants)

Phew, I guess that's all o.o If you have any questions or aren't sure if I'd like your ideas, feel free to leave a comment or pm me! See ya ^^

  • 6 months later...
Guest half_blood_princess

I'm going to take you up on this--expect something soon! I've been itching to write a dark SS/HG non con story, even though I usually write them in a consensual relationship...there's a first time for everything!

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