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Review Etiquette

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Sometimes when reviewing, I am so tempted to point out to someone that "one in the same" should be "one and the same" or "she and he are not direct objects" (i.e., if the ficwriter said "He gave the chest to she and Jack"). But then I figure, that's the job of the beta, assuming the writer has a beta, and I don't want to develop a reputation for being a nitpicker. What do you all think? ;)


I guess it depends on what the author is asking for. If they ask for con-crit, give it to them -you're not being nitpicky, you're helping them out. If they don't...well, if it's something that they do constantly, then I would be inclined to point it out, since they're obviously unaware of the fact that it should be "one and the same" (although, I can kind of see how people would write it out wrong, since they probably tend to say "one 'n the same").

I have the same problem, though, with seeing errors and trying to decide whether to point them out or not. A few typos I understand...a plethora of them sets my teeth on edge. My thing is "then" and "than" Ooooo that just makes me cringe every time someone mixes those up! If I gave into the urge to point out people's mistakes ("all of the sudden" is another one that I see wrong all the time), my reviews would be ridiculous.

Posted (edited)

I can't speak for everyone, but I really don't mind it when people point out things like that when they review my stories. Please do. I want you to. I can't show the sort of thing I would post on AFFN to my usual beta reader, (you try explaining to your spouse why you like tentacle sex), and though I proofread what I upload repeatedly before I submit, I inevitably miss something. Usually several somethings. My biggest problem seems to be the proper use of to, too, and two as well as they're and their. Its particularly maddening because I know the difference, damn it.

The prolog for Metroid: Rebirth was riddled with typos and flat out misspellings, and all I got were glowing reviews. I like glowing reviews, don't get me wrong. They keep me writing, but they don't help me get any better. As long as you aren't being a jerk about it, I don't see anything wrong with pointing out grammatical errors, typos, and the like. If saying things like "watch your subject verb agreement" or "be mindful of your use of its vs. it's" hurts the writer's feelings, the internet might not be the right place for them. It is, after all, Serious Business. ;)

Edited by YuriChampion

That just depends on how fast your beta is ^_^ I can usually get mine back to the author within a day, sometimes less.

I usually encourage people in A/Ns to point out mistakes. I'm a spelling and grammar nazi at heart, but even I miss things. Recently, I've been having problems with "lose" and "loose" -I don't even know what that's about.

I kinda agree with YuriChampion -if they're willing to post it for everyone to read, then they had better expect someone to critique it. The good with the bad only makes us better.

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