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Ya know, I really don't like to rant, but sometimes you have to vent or explode. So here goes *grrrr*.

I don't even fucking like to shop at Wal-Mart, but it's close by and my roommate/stepmom doesn't like to drive a long way just to shop. Her daughter came to visit us from out of state and we went shopping for stuff for a special dinner for her. My stepmom decided to pick up some beer for her because they had her favorite brand on sale. So we go into the liquor room and she starts to browse and I'm looking at some energy drinks near the checkout and I notice the cashier looking at me, not just casually mind you, but really giving me the evil eye. Now being Gothic and wearing the clothing and make-up associated with my lifestyle I'm kinda used to that, so I'm about to say "keep watching I may do a trick." When my Stepmom is ready to check out so I let it go and wait for her. Well the dipshit cashier asks her for her ID, which seems kinda weird since she's sixty years old and looks it. She starts to dig it out, and the Walmartian (who was probably about 45 and you'd think would have some sense)says "Not yours, hers." and points at me. I'm gobsmacked and my Stepmom says "But I'm the one buying the beer." to which the cashier replies "It doesn't matter I can't sell you any alcohol because you have that GIRL with you." I'm about ready to laugh my arse off because I'm 37 years old, and I assure her I'm well over 21 and I'm not buying anything anyway which she ignores and she refuses to sell my Stepmom the beer and flatly tells me I shouldn't even be in the alcohol room, because you have to be 21. WTF? We both got pissed off and walked out without buying a thing. There were people I'm sure were younger than me in there who she didn't card so what the hell was that all about? :thumbsup:


WTF was that about??? She must have had a stick lodged so far up her ass it was messing with her brain!!!

My god.. Stupid people... Sometimes I wonder where Wal-Mart finds some of their employees...

I usually dress kinda goth/punkish and a lot of people in stores give me looks and prejudge me... I hate it... But usually when that happens I'll wait for that one AWESOME person that is all about customer service and make sure I buy at least 100 dollars worth of whatever they are selling and go on a rant about how people sometimes can be so rude and how stealing is such a stupid thing to do... Ahhh.. the pissed off faces of those who refuse to service me brings me joy... They didn't only make themselves look like an ass, they missed out on their commission! HA!

But seriously... You should have asked for a manager... They sell freaking alcohol to parents with their damn baby in their arms and even those with a 12 year old holding their hand... Freaking idiots! I'm sticking with the stick lodged up her ass theory...


Thats BULLSHIT! I don't shop at walmart, I did a college paper on them and they are an EVIL coperation, I mean EVIL! >.< So my advice is to never shop for them. They are racist and sexist! I'm serious! They pay women employees less and are unfair to people of different ethnicity. If you don't believe me, check out the movie someone did on it: 'WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low price' It's a documentary that gives you all of wal-marts dirty secrets! >D


What? Seriously??? Those bastards!!!

I know it's hard to even get your money after pay day with all your checks bouncing but that sink even that low????

And Wal-Mart is the killer to all our mom and pop shops too!!!

Corporate America needs to stop and come back down to earth!!!!


No one is going to like this response, but her asking you for your ID and refusing to sell the alcohol to your stepmom was pretty legit...I've been in her position (not at WalMart *shudders*) and I can understand her reasoning. Technically, I think, they're supposed to ask everyone with the person purchasing whatever for their IDs. I've noticed that some gas stations, even, have signs up that say if you're under 60 they'll card you.

Now...the reason for her heckling you, that was bogus. I would agree with her if you looked like you're under 21, but if she was just profiling you, then, yeah, I would have asked for a manager.

I had to show my ID when my roommate bought an R rated movie ^_^ But I get carded for everything...

No one is going to like this response, but her asking you for your ID and refusing to sell the alcohol to your stepmom was pretty legit...I've been in her position (not at WalMart *shudders*) and I can understand her reasoning. Technically, I think, they're supposed to ask everyone with the person purchasing whatever for their IDs. I've noticed that some gas stations, even, have signs up that say if you're under 60 they'll card you.

Are you serious??? That's kinda over kill don't you think??


Oh, I agree. When I worked at a gas station years ago, we were supposed to card everyone no matter how old they were or looked. The registers force you to enter a birthday before you can ring them out. 'Course, for regulars, or people that were so obviously over 21 it was painful, we would just enter a random b-day. But company policy was that we card everyone, no matter what.


I agree that walmart is evil. I only shop there because there's really no place else to go. That's kinda how walmart works. But the little bitch was using something legit to be an ass. My boyfriend is a few months younger than me. Him and I went to the local liquor store when I was 21 and he wasn't. The guy at the register carded us both. I was of legal age and the one who was buying, but the guy couldn't sell it to me because there was someone under 21 with me. He said that if he sold it to me knowing I was with someone underage and I gave it to my boyfriend he could get in trouble. He was nice about it so I don't think he was giving us a hard time. He told me to come back the next day without my boyfriend.


I don't think that's it's overkill. It's something that you're told to do when you work at those places and lot of kids can get adults to buy them booze. However, her attitude was clearly because of what you looked like. My cousin dresses like that, too. He went into Filenes to buy his mom a gift. He decided to get her perfume, but when he tried to get it, the lady at the counter told him: I'm sorry sir, but we can't help your kind, here. His response to this was to demand to see her manager. Her response was to ban him from Filenes. I'm ashamed to admit that I worked for them for christmas. They pay well, but they treat their employees like shit.

Guest Savaial
I don't think that's it's overkill. It's something that you're told to do when you work at those places and lot of kids can get adults to buy them booze. However, her attitude was clearly because of what you looked like. My cousin dresses like that, too. He went into Filenes to buy his mom a gift. He decided to get her perfume, but when he tried to get it, the lady at the counter told him: I'm sorry sir, but we can't help your kind, here. His response to this was to demand to see her manager. Her response was to ban him from Filenes. I'm ashamed to admit that I worked for them for christmas. They pay well, but they treat their employees like shit.

Wally World treats their employees like crap too. My hubby worked for them. Every night he would come home with new tales of horror. For example, they make everyone participate in a Wal-Mart pledge of allegience type thing, make them sing Wal-Mart cheers and crap like that. If you don't participate, you're out. It makes you not a "team player".

My husband had been on the main checkout line all winter, next to the "pneumonia hole", where the building is opened up for cart storage. Well, he got pneumonia and was out for a week and a half. He came back to work and they put him right back in that breeze. He got bronchitis and was out another week. He returned, they put him right back there again. He contracted pneumonia again and his doctor told him one more time would kill him. He'd lost sixty pounds and could barely function. So, he brought a note from his doctor and asked to be put on a register somewhere in the store where he wouldn't be standing in the sub-zero wind. They offered to let him retrive shopping carts from the parking lot. When he refused, they fired him.

I won't even go into their aggressive business tactics and shoving out smaller businesses, or how they build in towns that have ordinance against "box stores" by reducing the square footage of their builing by one foot.

I hate them.


I hate people like that. They used to bother me all the time until I mastered the subtle art of making people feel like garbage with a single glance or a smirk. It was something I had to learn, working at a porn shop, because people who go into those things half the time are insecure and have the need to put the employees down like they are some sort of dirt because they sell them their porn. So I studied what they did and after a while I mastered it ten times better and any meanie who entered the store and tried to make any of us feel less human left feeling worse than when they came in. This works well with fancy goth attire and groups of two or more, especially if before walking out you look at the offending asshole like he/she has just wet themselves and then look at each other and laugh before walking away, looking back once and snorting as if they look too stupid to control yourselves.

No one is going to like this response, but her asking you for your ID and refusing to sell the alcohol to your stepmom was pretty legit...I've been in her position (not at WalMart *shudders*) and I can understand her reasoning. Technically, I think, they're supposed to ask everyone with the person purchasing whatever for their IDs. I've noticed that some gas stations, even, have signs up that say if you're under 60 they'll card you.

Now...the reason for her heckling you, that was bogus. I would agree with her if you looked like you're under 21, but if she was just profiling you, then, yeah, I would have asked for a manager.

I had to show my ID when my roommate bought an R rated movie :rolleyes: But I get carded for everything...

Actually, they don't card everyone, just those people who look under the age of 21. At Wal Mart here, I have yet to show the cashier my ID and my mom is buying beer and I am handling it. And this was before I cut my long hair short, I looked 16ish. Now that I no longer have long hair, I look older.

The bitch had a thing against goths that's all and you should have demanded a manager to come and cause her more problems for profiling you after the manager saw your ID stated your birthdate and you were way older. He or she would have apologized and after you left, bitched at the girl for profiling you.



Actually, they don't card everyone, just those people who look under the age of 21.

*sigh* Sadly I'm one of those people who have never looked their age. People see old photos of me in my early twenties and think I'm about 14. Even now people think I'm between 20 and 25. My Stepmom says I should be glad I look young, but it can be frustrating especially in situations like this one.


I would get a t-shirt that says If you think I am 16 yrs old, then this must be the year (whatever your birthyear is) and if people card you, while you are showing them your ID card, just say have a look at my tshirt and have a chuckle.

They'll probably be like is that shirt right?

And you get to smile and say check my ID, it should be right on the button as I am __ years old. I'm probably old enough to be your older sister.

They probably will laugh at that comment and ask where did you get that shirt.

Now that might be a good slogan for the store, If you think I'm 16, this would be the year 19_ _. and have the space be the year that you would be actaully sixteen years old. For me that would be 1986.

That would be a cool shirt to wear.


Actually, they don't card everyone, just those people who look under the age of 21.

I don't know how it works in other cities, but I do know that here, if you look like you're under forty, you're supposed to get carded -no matter if you're not the one buying.

This might have something to do with being a small college town, too. Whatever the reason, they're pretty strict about people showing ID.


You are just fucking evil is all. You probably deserved to also be spanked!!! :unsure:

disclaimer: Walmart sucks big time.

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